Friday, October 17, 2008

Naruto Chapter 421: Call Naruto Back

Summary: The attack on Konoha continues. Tsunade reasserts her decision to send for Naruto despite being advised otherwise. In secret, Danzo prevents the message from being sent to Naruto. (Read 421 here)

Serenphoria Says:

OMG froggy!

Most of the chapter was a little cheezy for me, especially the scene with Sakura. I mean, a little kid tripping? Punching out a summon while other ninja run scared? Stopping to put a band-aid on the kid? Too much.

And something is still bugging me about Tsunade. Her declaration of faith was commendable (I so called it!) and I'm happy she stood up to the elders, but she's still not acting like the leader I want her to be. In fact, she was a bit petulant: there's no reason she couldn't have stood up to the advisors without getting physical. Though her decision might have turned out the same, she's acting and reacting as a friend and sister, and not so much as a leader yet.

Real time reaction:

"Do you know what Jiraiya, and Sarutobi, and Chiyo had that you don't? Faith." Yeah, and they're all dead. (Cynical moment, sorry)


Kakashi - The new lightning hound attack looks so cool. Too bad it was totally ineffective. Kishi is juxtaposing Kakashi's fight with Shizune's attempt to explain the power, which signals that Kakashi's going to find out more soon. I hope it's not the hard way. Regardless, I'm glad we're getting to see more of Kakashi's arsenal after being teased about reputation as the nin who's copied a thousand jutsu.

Danzo - Finally!


At October 17, 2008 1:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure it was a little cliche, but Go Sakura!

How is Naruto going to get home?! Is he? Is he going to find a pit of destruction instead?

At October 17, 2008 3:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really liked Tsunade's little speech here actually. And maybe she could have used a none violent way of going about things, but this is Tsunade we're talking about here. She nearly killed her teammate when he peeped on her and demolished an ancient castle when she was first confronted by Orochimaru (not to mention she drinks and gambles in her spare time). So the only thing that surprised me is that she didn't do it sooner :P Besides, I'm sure we're all happy to see the advisors get knocked around a bit.

"Do you know what Jiraiya, and Sarutobi, and Chiyo had that you don't? Faith." Yeah, and they're all dead. (Cynical moment, sorry)

Yeah, but they were also old and we all know that anyone above sixteen is susceptible to character death in Naruto :P

Now I'm really curious as to what Naruto's secret jutsu is! I know some people think it's his Rasenshuriken (I did too), but from what we've seen of it, it explodes when it impacts something. So I would think that the area Naruto's practicing in would resemble the moon instead of having finely sliced mountains... though its complete state could have altered the jutsu's nature significantly...

OH SNAP IT'S DANZOU! I've forgotten all about you... >_>

Hey, does anyone know how old this guy really is? Tsunade said he hated her grandfather, but does this mean he actually knew him? I really want to know if there was any chance he knew Madara while he was in still in Konoha.

At October 17, 2008 3:34 PM , Blogger serenphoria said...


What better way to get Naruto motivated than a pit of destruction? :)

But you know he's going to be back in time to save something. He now has the ability to cut up mountains. Hopefully he'll lure the Pains AWAY from Konoha before he uses that technique.

At October 17, 2008 3:43 PM , Blogger serenphoria said...

@nemesis jedi

So the only thing that surprised me is that she didn't do it sooner

True true. I think I'm just projecting what I'd like to see in her more than considering her actual personality. I think following US politics lately has gotten to my head. Apologies!

At October 17, 2008 5:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno, I was glad that Sakura finally got to do SOMETHING other than whine "Oh, Sasuke, my love, won't you go out with me?" I'm with Nibbles. Way to kinda stop sucking, Sakura (but you've got a looooong way to go, hon.)!

I was actually more amused by Tsunade and the Really Really Old People. I particularly got a kick out of the dialogue.

Really Really Old People: Naruto is what they're after, we shouldn't just hand him over, he's only a kid, common sense, blah.


Nice diplomacy, there, Tsunade. Also, way to shove a kid with brand new, untested skills that have been proven to only work about half of the time out there onto the front lines. Because that worked so well for your kid brother. I'm annoyed with her, because she isn't acting the way a proven leader should. You don't send unknown quantities out to the front lines- or maybe you do; you hand them over for the sake of the many. No wonder Tsunade was the Konoha Elder's University of Second Choice.

And so help me, Kishimoto, if you kill of Kakashi, I will be unspeakably pissed off. Won't somebody PLEASE think of Konoha's stoners? (Yay, Iruka's still alive! I will also be pissed off if Kishimoto kills off Konoha's resident teddy bear.)

P.S, O HAI THER, CREEPY OLD GUY! I hadn't forgotten about Danzo, but I was thoroughly surprised by him showing up there, and it's tough to surprise me. So well done, Kishimoto! (Don't think this gets you any bonus points with me until Kakashi is out of harm's way, Iruka is teaching small munchkins, Shikamaru continues his brainpower-y awesome, Sakura continues in her not-whining trend, and Naruto kicks Sasuke's ass so hard his future children will wonder why they hurt in places that haven't been conceived yet.)

At October 18, 2008 6:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a few points I would like to mention about this chapter:

Tsunade... really needs to take a chill pill. I know she believe in naruto, but she didn't have to get aggressive with her advisors. That type of behavior is BENEATH a Hokage.I'm not a fan of the advisors either, but she could have handled the situation without physical contact.

Sakura to the rescue! She comes out of nowhere and defeats a Centipede summon with a single punch? I'm glad Sakura is actually being useful, but that was just TOO chessy.

Kakashi is fighting for his life!!!! It's bad enough he's fighting one "pain", now a second one has just appeared. Now I know why "pain" has never lost a battle. He always ganging up on niggas. When was the last time this dude had a one on one battle? It's probably been a decade. He did this same shit to jiraiya! That "pain" dude be cheating real hard. But I think Kakashi is gonna survive this battle. He's supposed to be getting his own arc. Plus, their are so many unanswered questions about him. Kishi can't kill Kakashi off... at least not yet.

Now, lets talk about Naruto. I still believe the jutsu he is working on is his rasenshuriken. I know that their are some characters that use unexplainable jutsu that seem to come out of nowhere (Sasuke in paticular). But I doubt Naruto would do something like that. I'm just a little worried that naruto isn't ready to face "pain" yet. If it was a one on one battle I would be more comfortable, but mostly likely he will attack naruto with all his bodies. IF naruto was to defeat all of the pain's, that would mean that he surpassed Jiraiya in a short period of time, which I would find stupid.

At October 19, 2008 7:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm...I don't really have too much to say, but I am wondering -- besides everything else that's going on -- what about the other half of Kyuubi's chakra, that was spoken of chapters and chapters ago? I don't know why I've been thinking of it, but with Naruto's sage training, and an inevitable fight with Pein, I'm thinking that Kishimoto is going to have to come back to the issue of that side of Kyuubi's chakra.

But, with everything else...I have to say, that everyone seems to be very analytical of the manga. I guess one can't help it, but...I find myself just enjoying it. The longer the manga gets, I suppose, the more cliche and cheesy certain scenes will become. I don't know. But, I guess, I do enjoy reading the theories and opinions different people are coming up with; myself...I guess I'm just not sophisticated enough to be analytical any more. Or maybe I'm just lazy...

Anyway, two things:

Naruto: Mountain Destoyer!
All I have to say about that, is: It's about Time!

And two: What the heck? Is Danzo not the biggest creep to crawl out of creepdom? How could he kill an innocent toad? Although, up to that point, I had totally forgotten about him...but now he is forever imprinted in my a toad murder. I bet he feels proud.

At October 22, 2008 6:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm afraid to say that once again, I have to say 'Convenient'.

Danzou killing Froggy (HOW MEAN?!?!! :( POOR FROGGY :() basically means Naruto is safe. So I'm suspecting that something big is about to happen to Konoha. Even though Konoha seems to bounce back from anything and everything. Jeesh, if there was a black hole I bet it'd be spat out of the other end and still survive.

Sakura - she's on her way up. Still annoying with her Sasuke obsession, bursting into tears any time he's mentioned etc. but on her way up. Even if it IS cliché.

Of course Kakashi will find something out! He rules! Remember how much he got out of Itachi after what, five minutes (well, days of torturous hell for Kakashi) in his presence?

I agree with all the comments in saying - TSUNADE! CHILL WOMAN! I think she's being irrational, which isn't a good thing. She's believing too much in what Jiraiya told her which may not be true. What would she do then?

Pein: *flick*
Naruto: *KO*
Pein: .....
Tsunade: *sweatdrop* Oh brother.

SEE! She hasn't thought this through like the HOKAGE should!

Kishi... give her some rationale please... and I agree with taterbird.... KILL KAKASHI AND I WILL BE ROYALLY PISSED OFF. YUP! ROYALLY!


At October 22, 2008 3:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a comic artist myself...
On Sakura's cliche...

Basically Kishi used the cliche to tell the audience how awesome she's become without having to spend the whole bloody chapter on it.

That pose/cliche has been used so often it's become almost a 'word' in comic language. We fill it in with meaning ourselves, without the need for extraneous space.

I think Kishi used it well...

However, he didn't panel/draw the Hokage's/Elder's exchange nearly as well, and thus, it came off weird. Instead of the 'empowering young people' message we're supposed to get, all we got was 'throwing to the wolves/bad leadership'.

At October 22, 2008 7:08 PM , Blogger serenphoria said...


Hi there!

everyone seems to be very analytical of the manga. I guess one can't help it, but...I find myself just enjoying it.

I can't speak for the others, but I'm just being pseudo-analytical for fun. It keeps me engaged in the story and invested in the characters and I love hearing what others think.


Thanks for the insight. I definitely agree with you that tropes should be used to cut down on story-telling time and absolutely, I'm happy that Sakura is awesome as opposed to useless :) Still, I don't think that Kishi had to use a cliche, which by definition is an expression that has lost meaning due to overuse. Kishi could have toned it down a little - the monster a little less big, the little kid and old old lady not so kiddish and old old, the other ninja around attempting to fight instead of all fleeing. I would not have diminished Sakura's accomplishment and awesomeness in my eyes. There's got to be a way for Kishi to raise her up without diminishing other Konohaians' worth.

At October 28, 2008 6:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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