Naruto Chapter 420: Battlefield Konoha
Summary: The denizens of Konoha are beginning to realize the village is under attack. Tsunade decides Naruto should be called back from training. (Read 420 here)
Serenphoria Says:
Yay color pages! Yay ensemble battles! Yay Kakashi!
The first third of the chapter alone exhausted my emotional range:

First: Whoa cool! Iruka in a battle situation since chapter 1!
Then: Fool! 'I won't tell you anything?' Then just sitting there in front of an Akatsuki waiting for your purposeless demise?
Simultaneously: Wah! Iruka noooo!
Then: OMG squee! Kakashi yay! You are still so bad@ss and awesome.
Immediately followed by: Oh no...the crazyfans are going to use this as evidence of KakaIru. No offense if you're a fan, but I'm made a conscience decision to ignore all shippy discussions about this scene outside of this blog (and only if you write intelligently and cogently. Thanks.)
>if no one we care about dies when attacked by a pack of despotic demi-gods it'll feel like a cop-out and an insult to Jiraiya.<
I take it back! Kakashi don't die! Here, take Iruka. This is going to be like the Immortals fight all over again. I don't think my heart can take it.

Again, I am wondering about Tsunade's ability to lead. First, for someone who can see the attacks from her window, she didn't seem to have noticed until chuunins told her. Then, probably knowing Akatsuki is looking for Naruto, she calls him back. To battle. In the village. Being responsible for the welfare of the village, it feels a tad irresponsible.

On a completely random sidenote, I'm wondering why if looking into one's mind is represented by graphical abstractions, why the thing they are looking for is in the very literal representation of a brain.
The reason Iruka just appears to sit there is because he is hopelessly outclassed. He would move if he could.
Agree with you on the anti-ship thing.
Don't take Iruka!!! ToT (or Kakashi for that matter)
She could see the smoke, but not the fire as-it-were. She didn't want to send in teams without intelligence--that would've been foolish.
She calls him back, because of the prophecy. She feels that he's the only one who can beat Pein. Perhaps she even thinks they will lose the village without him.
All those bits before the brain, were genjutsu hiding the mind--who knows what's actually in it.
So, what do you think of the 'chakra antennas'?
I'm so glad that Kishi finally revealed all of the Jinchuuriki! Even if it's the only time we'll ever see them all... >_> I'd like to think that Naruto, Killerbee, Yugito and the seven tailed host (who I think is a girl :P) would have made the best team ever.
Heh heh, My reactions to the beginning of this chapter were exactly like yours. Except that I thought about the KakaIru shippers as soon as I'd seen Kakashi :P Phew, I really thought Kishi was going to bite the bullet and kill off Iruka. Man, I couldn't even begin to imagine Naruto's reaction if he did...
Am I the only one who thought Visored Ichigo when Yoda!Frog mentioned a time limit to Sage mode?
I have to say that I was pretty excited when Tsunade said to call Naruto back. Not exactly the smartest decision ever, but I thought it would be the perfect time for Naruto to shine and show the entire village how awesome he really is. It'd be nice for them to treat him as the hero he was supposed to be from the very beginning.
I, like you, went through those very same stages of emotion, though, notably, not the KakaIru bit. That pairing doesn't remain in my mind long enough to really make an impact. It's just no.
I hope Kakashi doesn't die :( I actually ended up saying 'oh shit' out loud when I saw Pein squaring up to Iruka, or, well, glaring down at him 'bwahaha i'm god and this is judgement day', but when Kakashi came along, it was like 'no!'.
Which brings me to the eyes thing that Kakashi saw in his head. This is a long-shot theory, but maybe... MAYBE... that Pain/Pein will attack Kakashi's mind, perhaps going so far as to make him one of the Pain's/Pein's... Kakashi's abilities are unique after all. Actually scrap that. It's probably some obscene jutsu that's reminiscent of Tsukuyomi... or maybe the eyes are the real Pain/Pein himself??? Either that or Genjutsu...
The Tsunade thing bothers me too. Going a little off topic into the anime and the last epic (but boring) filler, she just sat there in her office while Konoha was getting bombarded.
Back to the Manga, WHY ON HECK is she sending for Naruto? I mean, he's awesome, yup, he may be the prophecy person, but not awesome enough to be thrown headlong into the Akatsuki's lap. Plus, if she is sending for Naruto, how exactly does she know that it's Pain/Pein who has arrived?
Is it just me or did the "send for naruto" bit just seem overwhelmingly cheesy? "Konoha in danger. Naruto to the rescue!" O.o
Wonder what's going to happen next chap? Oh and I agree with jedi about seeing all the jinchuuriki, finally. Woot!
If it wasn't clear already, I'm anti-KakaIru. There, I said it. :)
About Tsunade. I guess I'm just not able to express exactly what's bothering me...I think I just keep waiting for her to be a stronger character and leader and thus far she's been a little oh-hum. Like, she makes decisions, but there's not enough substance or passion or resolve behind it.
The jinchuuriki! I wouldn't mind spin-off series or gaidens from each of the other jinchuuriki's point of view. What were their stories?
Yugito and Killerbee flashback please?
As for calling Naruto back, it makes sense if this is the confrontation that will fulfill the prophesy (though, I don't know how Tsunade would be able to determine that). Otherwise, calling him back to add man-power doesn't justify the danger she'd be putting him in - I mean, he's the objective of the Akatsuki. If not for the prophesy, there had better be something really strategic about using Naruto. As leverage in negotiations maybe?
@nemesis jedi
>Am I the only one who thought Visored Ichigo when Yoda!Frog mentioned a time limit to Sage mode?<
nope :)
While I was reading you speculations on Kakashi and Pain (possessed!Kakashi? noes!) I had this random thought about the clashing of two genjutsu users and how their attacks would malfunction, like, idk, Harry Potter vs. Voldemort. Better yet in a practical sense, Kakashi gets a glimpse of what's really in Pain's mind and find some weak spot.
"You're in my Genjutsu!"
"No, you're in MY Genjutsu!"
"Mwahaha, you've been FOOLED! This is MY GENJUTSU!"
"Nope! It isn't! BWAHAHAHAHA! My Genjutsu pawns yours!"
"Wrong again! How foolish of you! My Genjutsu is the best!"
Oh God. No, please no...... Please, Kishi. I'm begging you. Not another one. Please!
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