Naruto Chapter 418: Naruto, the Sage
Summary: Naruto completes his training as a sage. Konoha continues to have difficulty learning anything new from the remnants of Jiraiya's last fight. Pain arrives at Konoha's walls. (Read 418 here)
Serenphoria says:
Not too much to say, but my appetite is whet and I am eagerly awaiting plot!

- I don't...disapprove of Naruto's frog look. It's not nearly as bad as I feared--it looks good even. I'm just a little sad that his eyes aren't nearly as expressive with slits for pupils.
- Was that Ino's dad? And was it me, or did the unconscious guy look a lot like Naruto without whisker marks?
- I'm a little disappointed that the Konoha investigations team hasn't made any progress. I know Shika's a genius, but any reason they have three teenagers trying to decode a message that is vital to the country's security? Where are the experts!?!

I don't know why, but I really like the Lightning ninja. They just look tougher, like, Konoha nin live in a bubble compared to them. This is definitely not the best analogy, but -
Lightning nin::NY cop as Leaf nin::Orange County cop?
I know Konoha's force was integral to the Third War and has been a military power since their founding, but since we focus mainly on the kids and the adults in teacher-mode, we haven't seen too much of Konoha's badassery (I just made that a word)
Any theories on what Jiraiya's message means?
I like his frog look. I wonder what it looks like in color.
Yep, that's Inoichi with the blond ponytail... Where'd we pick up the prisoner? Was he one of those guy's that was captured in a frogs stomach and Jiraiya tickled?
Right now, Konoha investigations team is lacking a frame of reference. They weren't there, so they don't know. But once they fight Pein, they will.
The cloud nin are awesome.
Even though it's been a while, Konoha is still recovering from the Kyuubi. I think they probably lost a lot of Jounin that day.
I'm kinda 'meh' on Naruto's Sage look. It could have looked a lot worse, though, so I'm not complaining :P
Some secret late night training, huh? Wonder what Konoha's number one surprising ninja's going to pull off in up coming battles.
Well, I think Shika and the rest are doing their own investigating separate from the experts?
Yeah, the ninjas from the other hidden villages seem a lot more 'raw' than those of Konohas. It's like when they're not on a mission Konoha's nin are a lot more lax and easy going compared to other ninja who seem to be more alert, I suppose. Hopefully we'll see what Konoha's made of now that Pein's here.
Sage look = *thumbs up*
There was much 'woot'ing going on (I made THAT a word XD) when there was just crazy eyeshadow difference and no warts or frog-esque hands and feet for Naruto-the-Sage. And thank god he didn't get the nose... THE NOSE... *shudder*
Speaking of Naruto... what's he up to so sneakily? I think he's trying to control Kyuubi... but to be honest I have no idea.
Pein... without love... Pein... can't get enough...
DUDE, that guy is off his rocker... but other than that, I kinda have a theory based on what the Manga's already told us, yup, I'm going for simplicity.
Basically, Nagato's alive. Has to be. 'The real one isn't there' implies that the real one is somewhere else, therefore he's protecting himself by instead of going in on his own, he's sending in six invincible corpses, which can be replaced, to wreak havoc.
Maybe it's Genjutsu... maybe it's some weird unforeseen ability of the Rin'negan, who knows, but I'm guessing that's what's happening.
Yahiko was probably the first of the corpses, he was most likely killed creating feelings of grief and rage in both Nagato and Konan, both of whom owe their lives to him. So Nagato uses Yahiko's body to wreak havoc and get his friend revenge.... (going off on a tangent here...)
Evidence for the theory? For one thing, Jiraiya's 'shock-shock-horror-horror' moment when he saw that there were six Rin'negan users, when apparently it is only possible to have one Rin'negan user at a time.
The fact that even Pein's summons have the Rin'negan eyes, suggests that some form of jutsu relating to the Rin'negan was placed on them, and the corpses. Or maybe they're not corpses at all...?
And.... there are other points but I've ran out of steam. What do you think?
To rileyonline... I agree with your Pein theory. It's a good one.
You know, I wonder if Kishimoto slowly gave us ideas of what he could end up looking like if Naruto did it wrong because it would help us accept his new look. Being that changing a main characters look is risky business--you're never going to please everyone.
Naruto's secret late night training? I figured it out! He is perfecting his wind rasengan. Remember... that wind rasengan technique hasn't been completed yet. Using sage chakra might just do the trick. If that doesn't work, I don't know what will complete that jutsu.
Hey rileyonline, hey mayorbrown_naruto, welcome!
Yes! No nose. Thank goodness. And to Nibbles point, yeah, maybe Kishi did design Sage!Jiraiya to not only show Naruto has surpassed him, but also to help us accept Sage!Naruto's design. *shrugs*
And I think it makes sense that all the Peins are not really Pein ... the real one is out there somewhere else...which is why he'll probably be impossible to defeat physically. (Shika! Go find the real one!)
Hey, that makes sense! That would mean all that wind training wasn't totally useless! :D
Kakashi's gonna be so proud.
Yay! It's like a lot of the little subplots we thought weren't going anywhere are coming together!
I can't wait for 419-420! (He likes to do special stuff for the round numbers doesn't he?)
419---AHAHAhahHahaHahaHa Haha Ha!
*reads 419*
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