Naruto Chapter 419: Attack
Summary: Pain infiltrates and attacks Konoha. Killerbee and the Eight-tails team up and escapes the Akatsuki. (Read 419])
Serenphoria says:
Is it bad that I'm more stoked about Killerbee feigning his own death than I am worried about Konoha's imminent destruction?
[Konoha is full of Pain]
The first half of this chapter was predictable. (Except for invisible protective shield around the village and the random ESP guys who monitor it. WTH?)
I am reconsidering the theory that the real Pain is Rinneganning all the other Pains. If there was a puppetmaster, they wouldn't need to coordinate and get orders from a lesser Pain, right? Still, their names suggest they are all part of a larger, singular whole.
HumanRealm!Pain freaks me out.

[Family is a Pain]
Killerbee. Nice, Kishimoto, nice. I was completely resigned to be disappointed that it's ending for Killerbee the same way as most all the other jinchuuriki and then not only does he find a way to escape, he actually used the Akatsuki to escape his overbearing brother.
Love love love.
I am wondering about the nature of the tailed beasts though. If they are an amalgamation of potent chakra, shouldn't eight-tails be able to, you know, regenerate his limbs? It makes me wonder if Killerbee's tried to pull something like this before (like a kid who keeps trying to run away) and that's why eight-tail's missing part of his horn.
Does that also mean that the tailed beasts can be weakened/defeated by sucessively lopping off various limbs? (Tis but a flesh wound!)
Side note: I was a little taken aback that the cool cloud nin were reduced to melodramatic tears, but I think it's growing on me. How can you not love the Gai-Lee-like relationship?

And hello serenphoria :D I have been reading this blog since the Sasu--Ita fight, I’ve just recently decided to get my act together and start commenting =S lol, apologies for my laziness.
Lol, the Killerbee thing was just like =| WHAT?! How the hell did he manage that one? Some tentacle gets thrown off and wham, he’s escaped? The whole chapter was kinda… I dunno, convenient. For one thing, the Eight Tails escaped, therefore Akatsuki taken back a few notches. For another, when Konan mentioned Itachi and Kisame being able to pass the invisible barrier… as if Kishi was waiting for someone to say, ‘but Itachi and Kisame made it through way back when!’… *sigh*
I’m sticking to the “puppetmaster theory” (love the name) like glue, until Kishi decides to prove me wrong :). I think Yahiko is the main one of the lesser Pains/Peins… I mean, imagine controlling six bodies, bit of a stretch. They share eyesight, and different jutsu’s… but maybe different minds? Unless of course, Yahiko-Pain/Pein was just going it over, I mean it’d pretty boring if we, the audience, didn’t know about Human/Hell/whatever Realm or what exactly they were going to do. Maybe he was saying it for Konan’s sake? Or, as I said before, convenience.
Hahaha, yeah, I was taken aback by that too. Maybe they believed they should cry cos their boss cried... hmmm.....
I'm so stoked that he got away safely! I hope this means Naruto will meet him and learn how to control the Kyuubi!
I'm liking the dynamics between Killerbee and the eight tailed beast. Why can't Naruto and Kyuubi be like that? :< And I don't think severed limbs are going to be a problem for something that's part octopus :P
Holy crap! HumanRealm!Pain Shang Tsung-ed that poor ninja! :o the fact that Pain referred to the others as 'realm' got me thinking about the Rinnegan. Wasn't it referred as the six paths or something?
I thought it was kinda cool that Konoha has a gimped version of the Soul Society barrier. Take that all fics that say Konoha is easy to sneak into!
SQUEE. Just SQUEE! HA! Sasuke isn't perfect! HA! And that was actually a sneaky thing that someone would expect an ALL-POWERFUL SCARY TAILED CREATURE CONTAINER to do! Yay, Kishimoto, you might get yourself out of the red at this rate!
I knew something was wrong when I looked at the ESP monitor of the ESP field, who let everyone know that his ESP powers had an ESP hit- aaaand I thought he was a bishop. Or pope. ...Soooo, what's with the hat, Kishimoto?
I admit that when Pain busted out his Hungry Ghost form, I was all "Oh, S*&t, they're DOOMED!" Hungry ghosts are srs business- and managed to freak me out in my mythology class. But hey, I'm kinda with Jedi and riley on the whole puppetmaster thing. If each realm has a specific nature, then maybe the Rinnegan can control a ninja that falls within the prescribed sphere. If your powers reflect the scary stuff that Human!Realm can do, the Rinnegan can control you- although I hope there's an upper limit. I dunno, it makes sense to me... but I'm tired.
It's because Konoha's faced imminent destruction before and come out fine. That's why you're not worried.
Whereas we've never had a jinchuuriki that is loved and wanted but who really doesn't care. THAT is a new one. o_0
The cloud-nin are adorable... heh.
No apologies needed, we're just happy to have another fan join in on the discussion!
I do agree Konan's comment was a way to fill the plot hole after Kishi decided he wanted Konoha to be protected by an invisible force field. I'm waiting for Kishi to explain how this detail adds value to the Narutoverse.
@nemesis jedi
>I'm so stoked that he got >away safely! I hope this >means Naruto will meet him >and learn how to control >the Kyuubi!
OMG yes! I'm not necessarily rooting for Naruto to control the Kyuubi, but I am loving the idea of the two meeting and for Naruto to see a different way to co-exist with his bijuu and re-examine his identity as a jinchuuriki. Killerbee can be a big brother figure that Naruto will fight with once in a while because Killerbee had a home and ran away :)
I drew parallels with BLEACH too! But I couldn't find a way to incorporate it in the post.
Heh. I thought you'd like that. And I thought pope.
Yeah, we all know Konoha will still be standing at the end...but I still feel a little guilty not being concerned for the denizens that will die Painfully (*ducks tomatoes *). Though, no other character we care about has been set up to die (like Asuma and Jiraiya were) so I'm not too worried. Though, if no one we care about dies when attacked by a pack of despotic demi-gods it'll feel like a cop-out and an insult to Jiraiya.
Oh! I just had the thought that this will be a good chance for the code-breakers to get more data! (I would say Shikamaru, but to be fair, Sakura and Shiho are capable of contributing.
About Killerbee, I think you put into words why I find this character such a breath of fresh air. He is unlike any other jinchuuriki we've seen and counters any expectations we have for them.
The cloud-nin are fun, though now that I look back, the two that look like siblings are the ones that seem to have a strong attachment to the Raikage. The other nin haven't exhibited that sort of overt empathy for their kage.
I'm so feenin' for the next chapter! I'm going to go bonkers before it gets here!
420: Love the colors Kishi, but why, WHY do you torture us with showing us people we know to be dead? Especially when they look so cool?!
My next thought on the next page was 'Oh No. OH no no No. Not him.' And right after that was 'Whew!'
Page four probably has the KakaIru shippers reading way too much into things.
Page six panel three and following... Did he just stab him with a piercing he pulled out of his chest?!
Wth? Force field? And is Pein about to get chomped on?
Ohhh, so THAT'S why the frogs where on his shoulders.
So they're like antenna? Do his bodies use them to communicate? If you remove them, will the body die?
So they finally noticed? Well, maybe I shouldn't say finally, all this could've been happening in a matter of seconds. They are ninja after all. Things are getting started!
Naruto~~~ Time to come Ho~Omme~~!
You're too quick for me. And here I was all proud that I actually updated in a timely manner.
Yeah, seriously, why are you teasing us with dead characters? Boo.
Kakashi did get shoulder stabbed, but I don't know what it is.
And I think the frogs are attached to fight for Naruto when he needs to be still. The allies he needs to get into sage-mode, yeah?
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