Naruto Chapter 415: A New Power
Summary: Sasuke subdues the eight-tails with Amaterasu and discovers he can put out the flames. Karin is injured in the process. Naruto is given a copy of Jiraiya's first book, The Legend of the Gutsy Ninja. (Read 415 here)
Serenphoria Says:
Sasuke burninated Karin!
But not really.

...unless, she's actually dead.
Juugo didn't confirm. I personally think she's fine, but I'd like to see Sasuke have a hard time while he's waiting for her recovery. For me, Karin's worth is always in terms of Sasuke. Sad. She is warming to me though, if she survives. I think she'd be kinda fun once she gets over her crush.
Team Taka confuses me (I guess that's Team Sasuke's name now? Even the ever-changing names confuse me). When did Juugo gain control over his powers? During the Uchiha fight? Because I recall him wanting to stay in a cell because he couldn't control himself. And how in the world to you carry around jello? Suigetsu, what are you? Was he matter-ambiguous before or after Orochimaru?
I don't know why Sasuke's so surprised. The Mangekyo is the originator of the Amaterasu flames, so it's not a stretch to think that the Mangekyo can put it out. Itachi never said otherwise. Meh. Whatever you want to think to make yourself seem better than others, Sasuke.
Okay, so Killerbee's colleagues didn't exactly run to his rescue, though, I wouldn't be running towards a group that just subdued a bijuu just by looking at him either. I wonder what Itachi's done to Lightning Country that would have the Raikage on edge?

I can feel the power welling inside me!
Ha! Sounds like something a super-villian would say. And it looks like Naruto's got plans for his new power. What kind of mischeif are you planning?
By the way, is Naruto in some sort of timeless, inter-dimentional space or something? Are we suppose to believe that he's completed all that training while Team Taka is fighting? Because the fight probably lasted 20 minutes, tops.
I'm really happy to see Naruto get a copy of the book though. As I recall, Naruto was named after the protagonist. So it won't be about Naruto or his dad, but I have a hunch the book is semi-autobiographical for Jiraiya. I'm just sad Naruto didn't hear the story from Jiraiya himself.
"When did Juugo gain control over his powers? During the Uchiha fight? Because I recall him wanting to stay in a cell because he couldn't control himself."
Response: Juugo can't control his IMPULSES to kill, but he can control his ABILITIES. I don't think he has to go INSANE in order to use his powers. I believe Juugo can use his powers when in his normal state also.
Hm...okay, that makes sense. Thanks! I kinda miss insane!Juugo though :)
How can that flame simultaneously wipe out a bijuu and not destroy a flesh-and-blood human? Bias, much?
Response: That's an interesting thought. I have a logical theory on what might have happened. The reason the eight tails was subdued by ametarasu, was because the black flames had stayed on him for at least 5 or 8 minutes. With Karin, Sasuke IMMEDIATELY put the flame out in a one or two minutes. Here's a fun loophole I discovered, According to the manga, it says amertarusu burns everything in sight, But it NEVER says how FAST it burns. No one has ever said that "Amertarusu can burn something in ONE second". To support my theory, I noticed something. In chapter 390, page 7, Itachi burns a forest with amertarusu. And in chapter 396, page 5, Hinata uses bykagun to search for where sasuke is. She notices that a forest is burning with black flames. That basically tells me, that from chapter 390 to 396, that the forest was still burning. 6 chapters later and the forest is still burning? Amertarusu is known for it's power, but not speed. The fact still remains, The eight tails had sustained more damage because the black flames was on him for a longer period of time than Karin.
The place the toads live is called Myouboku Mountain, and it is said to be a month's travel north of Konoha, and incredibly hard to find.
At least that's what I heard... So it at least sounds like Konoha and Myouboku are on the same material plane... Previously, I kinda assumed that summons came from a different plane.
Dammit, I KNEW there was gonna be a Deus Ex Machina no Jutsu. Honestly, I really, really, REALLY want Team Whatever-They-Are-This-Week to limp away from this fight- without their bijuu. Otherwise, what's the point in the bijuu being so damn frightening? Why would the Fourth bitten the dust so very, very hard, if the Superfriends can take them down? He was at least as powerful as Orochimaru, and Orchimaru was in the Superfriends- no trouble (other than his terminal case of CREEPY.) If some teenage kid with eyes he can't even predict can beat one up, people like Kakashi or Shikamaru (with functioning BRAINS) should be able to off them with little trouble and a lot less waste.
On a different note, I personally would like it if Karin woke up from her horrific burns or whatever and was all: "You set me on fire!" Sasuke could be all "I put it out, though." And Karin could go "You. Set me. On. FIRE. You suck, Sasuke, you SUCK. You suck, you suck, you suck!" Thus, Karin's irritating crush dies a natural death, and we can cease to be irritated by her fangirling. If that happens, I'll even forgive the bijuu for crumpling like a house of cards. At least it was a team effort, even if nobody but Sasuke was allowed to deal the killing blow.
As for Naruto, I'd be worried that he seems to be getting too much power too quickly, if it wasn't for Sasuke and the Atomic Stink Eye. (CHERNOBYL'D!!!) I hope that Itachi gave him a secret Not-Getting-Chernobyl'd Power so that Sasuke and the Amazing Atomic Stinkeye, are screwed over. Maybe that's why Our Buddy the Ghetto Gangsta Rappa had to be incinerated, so that it's cooler when Naruto DOESN'T. That doesn't mean it isn't annoying, but it's as close as I can get to my happy place.
Yeah, the new eyes kinda bug me, too. We could lose those, or maybe have him look a little less high. Either way. And long post is long.
Damn it all!
All this build up and Killerbee is taken down in one hit?! D:< I thought this chapter would redeem itself by offing Karin, but nope.
Now that Killerbee's captured I'll wonder how Sasuke will react to the extraction process... You think he'll try to stop Madara? Of course when I say stop Madara he'll probably say something like: "He'll be more use to us as is." -_-;
So Killerbee's brother is the Raikage, eh? I wonder if he's going to blame Konoha for this... and I'm interested to see what Tsunade will do once she hears Sasuke joined the Akatsuki.
Well, I don't think Itachi did anything to Kumo, it's just that relations aren't so good between them and Konoha. Remember when they tried to kidnap Hinata? Yeah.
I wish Kishi would do something about Naruto's eyes too, but the most important thing is that the warts are gone :P As for what Naruto's planning... maybe completing the Rasenshuriken?
I hope time is slower where Naruto is. Maybe he'll manage to complete his training in time for Konoha's invasion.
Ch. 416 Costume Spoiler:
Don't read if surprising clothes are the entire reason you read Naruto!
Are you prepared to be costume spoiled?
Physically, emotionally, and spiritually prepared?
Liar. Do not pass GO, do not collect 200 dollars. Try again.
Are you ready for costume spoilers NOW?
Huh. I don't think so. But hey, third time's a charm, right? Okay, but it's your funeral.
Just one thing: I have fallen in love. With the Baseball Cap... OF EVIL!!!
That is all. Consider yourselves costume spoiled.
416:Is it just me or is Sasuke being very duplicitous?
He's telling Team Taka one thing... and Madara another.
I think he's telling Madara exactly what he wants to hear.
I guess the big question is--does he mean it?
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