Naruto Chapter 410: Battle at Unraikyo
Summary: Suigetsu and Juugo were unable to defeat the Eight-tail junchuuriki. Naruto learns that he can utilize frog oil to help speed up his ability to draw in natural energy, but at the risk of turning into a frog.
Serenphoria says:
Holy cow, this is the 100th post on Mendokuse!
To all the readers, thank you for your interest and to the regulars and active commenters, thank you for engaging in our discussions and building up our mini-community. I wouldn't have the motivation to keep this up if it weren't for you. A special shout out to Taterbird, who's been around since nearly the very beginning.
As far as this chapter, I only have one word: WTF?!?
(bait and switch)

Happy 100th posting!
Sorry, I saw Mr. Host, and I couldn't decide if he was just a REEEEAAALLY bad rapper, or if he was trying to be Mr. T. I still don't know. But it sucked that he beat up Juugo, and we didn't get to watch. It will suck if Sasuke blinks at him and he gets all "I'm meeeelting, meeelting! Oh, that an emo twit like you could destroy my beautiful rapper-ness! Ohhhhh!" And then Oxi-Clean!Mr.T!Mr.Host would melt into a puddle. Not cool.
I do like the fact that smiting will totally stop transformations. Of course, I'd probably just start smiting for the fun of it. Like so:
NINJA STUDENT: OW! What was that for?
TATERBIRD-SAGE-CHICK: Oh. That. You were turning into a bit of a frog, there.
TATERBIRD-SAGE-CHICK: No, you were! I saw the frogginess.
Wow, that would be fun.
Congrats on your 100th posting. I mostly lurk.
I say this as an ex-Sasuke fangirl. At what point did Sasuke become a Mary Sue?
I remember when Sasuke was my favorite character. Yeah, I was drawn to him being all dark and wounded. But there was something to him back then that's gone now. Now I just want to strangle him. Oh well, at least I have Naruto, Shikamaru, and Kakashi to still care about.
I don't even care if Sasuke is redeemed anymore. The damage was done.
Yeah, what's with the bad rapping? I hope it's just something lost in translation, b/c I had high hopes for this guy and now he feels like one of those cheesy filler villains.
For those of you that didn't get the reference, the smelting stick is from Harry Potter. I'm amused just thinking about how many times Naruto is going to be whacked in the head (and then they're going back and Yoda!frog will pass all of Team Seven/Yamato a whacking stick.
Sakura: *whack*
Naruto: Ow! Saaakura-chaaaan! What was that for?
Sakura: Your face looked funny. And you're a doofus.
Naruto: Ah no--
Sai: *whack*
Naruto: Sai!
Sai: Oh, I heard Sakura-san say your face looked--
Yamato: *whack*
Naruto: What the--?
Yamato: *sheepish* whoops.
Thanks for delurking.
For me, I think Sasuke got Mary Sue when he fought Deidara. Up until then, we didn't see long drawn-out fights and I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was masking whatever was still brooding inside. Imagined depth, if you will.
Then the series just kept on going and there was no new insight to his character, no sign of growth. Just technique after technique after technique. And power-ups seemed to just be handed to him on a silver platter (speculation of drug-enhancement, Itachi's dying poke, maybe something Madara gave him...?)
I think the only redeeming moment of his old, more likable self was when he almost smiled at the Great Naruto Bridge.
Ah, congratulations on the 100th post!
Even though I wasn't here very long I'm glad I could be a part of your community :D
Geeze, way to mislead Gamakichi...
Well, at least Jiraiya's looks during the Pein fight was explained. I really hope that Naruto masters this 'cause it was pretty lame (Sorry Jiraiya).
Okay, there was some cop out on the Mr. Host fight, but I'll forgive that. As long as they show some of Sasuke's fight. I'm interested to see if he'll beat him the hard way or go the cheapy McCheaperson way and use his Mangekyou.
Oh, man Mr. Host raps XD I'm rather looking forward to him joining Hawk, now. He'll drive everyone insane.
Also, Karin, do something.
This chapter... confused me so much.
I think Kishi's on drugs. I mean WTF Naruto gets b****smacked by an old toad with a club, the hachibi jinchuuriki is a gangsta rapper? Like... whaat?
Yeah. It hurts my brain.
You know what would be awesome? So incredibly awesome that it would be the most awesome awesome to ever awesome? So awesome that in fact, even to speak of it is to go mad?
If Sasuke tries to copy the toad sage techniques, and turns himself into a toad. That would ROCK! And it could totally happen. Sasuke can only copy the technique, he can't copy the training that went into it, and the Yoda toads were very clear on the learning part being the most important. Don't mention the fact that he's already got Force Lightning, I'm enjoying the idea of emo froggy Sasuke too much.
Toad!Sasuke FTW!
OMG, Taters. I am awed by your nefarious mind. Froggy!Sasuke would so not be amused. Pretty boy probably didn't think he cared about looks until he turns into a frog.
Only, your idea would only work if he (accidentally) gets frog oil on him. I'm sure any leaf denizen would me more than happy to oblige.
411 is up!
Maybe Sasuke will get the Gary Stu beaten outta him? Eh? Eh?
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