Naruto Chapter 409: Passing Down the Sage Techniques
Summary: Naruto is taken to a secluded location to learn about sage techniques, which involves tapping into the energy of one's surroundings.
Serenphoria Says:

Seriously, Fukasaku and Naruto has got some good chemistry already and I have a feeling that they'll be providing some much needed laughs while truly taking Naruto to the next level.
By the way, FroggyLand is creepy.
I'm surprised the concept behind Sage Techniques (drawing energy from your surroundings) didn't come up earlier, being a concept prevalent in popular culture, such as the Force (and grandpa frog totally pulled a Yoda) and the Quincy (Bleach). This opens up a lot more possibilities.
And they call me Mr. Host!
Take 'um down Mr. Jinchuuriki. Take 'um down.
I like this chapter. It was funny. 'Tis a pity the chapters aren't longer.
But then I prolly couldn't expect them weekly, so...
'grandpa frog totally pulled a Yoda'
My thoughts exactly.
When Fukasaku explained sage powers my thoughts where:
'Oh God Naruto's going to learn how to use the Force!'
A thousand awesome points shall be awarded to anyone who cosplays a Jedi Naruto!
Naruto will have to 'die' in order to see the living Force, hm? That sounded a lot like what Sasuke had to do in order to go to lvl 2 curse seal...
So Pein is going to invade Konoha when Naruto's off in froggy Land? I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand denied, but on the other Naruto's going to miss the fight. Again.
I keep forgetting to mention this, but did Madara neglect to tell Sasuke that they're invading Konoha right now? I kinda figured he'd want to be there when it happens...
Man, I hope Mr. Host kicks ass in this fight and if Kishi cops out on us (like he did with Sui's fight), I'll be upset.
Ice cream is totally the way to explain EVERYTHING. This is a universal truth. The one thing that Kishimoto has done that I cannot mock. (So maybe I COULD mock it, but I WON'T.) If Kakashi and Iruka had caught on to that several chapters ago, Naruto and Sakura would have dragged Sasuke's wicked, ice cream hating ass back to Konoha. By his eyebrows. That's how it's DONE.
I'm so, so, SO glad I wasn't alone with my "Hi, Yoda!Toad! You're so Yoda-y, Yoda!Toad! Do you have a green lightsaber? Do you know Samuel L. Jackson?...Are you really a Muppet?" I've stopped before asking if there's any such thing as Santa Claus. Now Naruto can counter Sasuke's Jedi Mind Trick with Force Eat Ground, Scumbag! Or maybe Force Ice Cream. That would be the best Jedi power EVER. You get Force Sprinkles with mastery. (I've only played the computer games, but I would kill for Force Ice Cream with Sprinkles. Kill the Dark Side with deliciousness, weight gain, and clogged arteries. A nasty way to go.)
But now, there's really only one thing left to say. Go, Rambo!
Fun chapter. It had laughs and I enjoyed it. Especially how Fukasaku said, very seriously "You have to die". I know that wasn't suppose to be funny, but it make me snort in a bemused way anyway.
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