Saturday, August 25, 2007

Naruto Chapter 366: Brothers

Summary: Itachi refuses to fight Naruto, claiming that he wanted to talk, but leaves to meet Sasuke before he does. Jiraiya and Tsunade reminisce and discuss their role in the future.

SnowyOwl Says: Quick update because I want to read the next chapter!

Itachi/Naruto confrontation recap:

N: Let's fight!
I: Let's talk.
N: No, we fight because I'm a better brother. You can tell from the bags under my eyes.
I: No, we talk. But first let me cast you in an illusion because I like showing off my crows.
N: Man, you got me again. Ok, let's talk.
I: Oops, gotta run!

Seriously, Itachi. That's what I call inefficient use of time and effort. Unless the whole point was to screw with Naruto's head, or stall him. Or he really did want to know why Naruto is obsessed with his brother (check out that smirk). All I'm saying is that if Itachi really wanted to talk to Naruto, he would have: the shadow clone could have stayed and the real Itachi could go deal with his foolish brother.

I have no idea what going on and if anything is real. Where's the rest of team Hebi? Why is Sasuke in a cave? Why are his sandals so girly?

S: Who are you?
I: It's me, Sasuke.

Check out Sasuke's shocked face. And this whole time he thought he was Sasuke. (heh)

And the Sannin? Either Jiraiya's going to kick the bucket (smiling) soon, or this really was a filler chapter.

Witherwing writes:

Fight scene extended:

Naruto: I attack you with my bunshin.
Itachi: I defeat them.
Naruto: I won't fall for that trick again for I have wised up.
Fight: over

Oh the irony. Naruto is chasing Sasuke who he sees as a brother who has abandoned him while Sasuke in turn, is chasing the brother who abandoned him. Was that really Itachi? What's with the disapearing crows act? It's like he's Dracula but not.

Sasu-Ita confrontation (which I know Snowyowl already mentioned. I just really get a kick out of it)

S: flip-flop, flip-flop,
S: who is there?
I: It is I, Sasuke.
S: If you are sasuke, who am I?
I: You are a cod fish.

So that third wanted Jiraiya to become the fifth which we knew from before but it's interesting how the Third wanted someone with Naruto-esque qualities. It'd be really weird to succeed his student though.


At August 25, 2007 9:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Itachi was misnamed, and he... REALLY IS A MURDER OF CROWS!!! AHHHHHH!!!! Or he's all, "Screw you people, of all the animals to be named after, you had to name me after something cute and fluffy. THAT doesn't traumatize people when I screw with them! Eat crow, Noble Hero!"

But yeah, the Talk That Went Nowhere- it was like Itachi just showed up and was all "Hey, just wanted to remind ya'll that I'm evil and I like to screw with people. Oh, and I'm awesome with illusions." I think Naruto should just sorta blink a bit. Maybe go "Ooookaaay...". Or it's a public service, and Itachi has taken it upon himself to educate the public on what it looks like when caught in an ilusion. Itachi, the Dedicated Public Servant and Uchiha Goodwill Ambassador.

And hey, it looks like Sasuke's caught in a bad joke. Knock, knock, Sasuke...

At August 25, 2007 6:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha. Aw man, Asuka Kureru made a little icon with Sasuke's SHOCK face that said "Someone's playing with my tra-la-la ..." and now I can't take the end of this chapter seriously.

Aw, man! I have a hugely long interesting theory (well. I found it long.) about Itachi's reasons, and I'd share it with you, but I don't want to spam your comments or something, so I'll wait for permission.

... have you read 367 yet? haha, I read your response to Anonymous on chapter 366.

And, oh, come on, aside from the pointlessness of that conversation, you have to admit it was kind of sweet to hear Naruto say that. :) BUT WHAT IS WITH EVERYONE AND ASKING NARUTO ABOUT THAT??? It's like every second person does it! >.>

... are weasels really considered very cute?

At August 26, 2007 11:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cuter than crows. Quiter too.

At August 26, 2007 1:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think crows are cute and awesome and everything ... bright and beautiful? nah. Dark and pretty. :)

They're so funny! haha

At September 01, 2007 1:36 PM , Blogger SnowyOwl said...

Hey Candles! Is Asuka Kureru on LiveJournal or something? Name sounds familiar. But please, theorize away! That's what this forum is for and I'm interested in your thoughts. I haven't had much time to do any deep thinking about Itachi lately, haha!


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