Naruto Chapter 364: The Objective
**updated 8-7-07**
Summary: Itachi is confident that Sasuke is alive despite Zetsu's report. The team from Konoha arrives at the explosion's epicenter and with Kiba's tracking skills, they pursue Sasuke's trail. Meanwhile, Tobi is revealed as the mysterious person ordering Pein to capture the Kyuubi jinchuuriki and that he has a Sharingan.
SnowyOwl Spazgasms: 0.0~!
I'll get the comments about the big reveal out of the way first, because that's what the fandom is buzzing about!
Tobi nooooo! I was honestly surprised since I was expecting someone much more nefarious to be the master of the leader - like Kabuto or the guy who wanted to be Hokage (Sai's boss, whatshisname?). But the most nefarious of them all was Tobi! Oh, how you've played with our hearts Tobi, making us love you! The moment we finally have more supporting evidence that Tobi = Obito is the moment I suddenly DON'T want Tobi to be Obito. More on that later. Just to lay it out there, here are the theories about Tobi:

2) Tobi = Some unknown Uchiha
3) Tobi = Some unknown non-Uchiha
4) Tobi != Tobi, but is someone else dressed like Tobi (hey, he doesn't have any other distinguishing feature besides the mask)
As it stands, Theory 1 is the most probable, since:
a) 'My power' implies that he is an Uchiha (he's born with it), not someone who acquired the Sharingan externally (like Kakashi)
b) The mask's construction suggests that Tobi only has one Sharingan, the right one (Obito gave his left Sharingan to Kakashi)
c) We only saw the regular Sharingan, not a Mangekyo Sharingan, so we can't compare it to Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan to eliminate the possibility that Tobi is Obito.
Even though the evidence supports the Tobito theory, at face value, I hate it! Right now Tobi seems very evil and powerful and like he's taking his "good boy," cheerful, funny persona and throwing it in our face. So, the alleviate this cognitive dissonance:
Tobito Corollaries:
1) Tobi is Obito and he is aware of his identity as Uchiha Obito.
2) Tobi is Obito and he is NOT aware of his identity as Uchiha Obito
3) Tobi is Obito and he is NOT aware of his identity as Uchiha Obito, and/because he is POSSESSED
Ok, may the last one was a stretch.
Now the question is, if he's been pulling the strings the whole time, why was he not part of the group from the beginning? Or, did he gain influence of the leader (Pein) after the establishment of the group? Is the true objective of the Akasuki Tobi's objectives, or was goal of *ahem* taking over the world the true original objective? If Tobi did come into the picture later, did his goals replace the original, or is it in addition?
From the suspicious way Itachi is acting, I feel like only a select few know the true objective of the group and the rest are just pawns. Big, powerful, monster pawns, but pawns. Hm...interesting that the two Uchiha are in the know...
Moving along, I have some Awesome points to award:

-Kiba: Impresses Kakashi. Looks good. Smells good. Points!
-Suigetsu: Totally deserved to be pummeled into a puddle, but his witty quip to Karin earned him a bucket of Awesome points. Points!
Just...whatever happens next, don't kill Kakashi please!
Witherwing wonders:
Oh man! Tobito! Noooooo! I'd like to think that Snowyowl's corollary 1 is right. I mean, squished by a boulder, it's got to do something to your brain. Or it could be like Morph from the x-men animated series where he was taken in by the bad people and brainwashed to do their bidding.
I heard a theory where someone thought that Tobi is actually Uchiha Madara probably brought on by the line in the above Tobi picture. While this goes with thoery number 2 I don't think it's possible for these reasons.
1) Madara would be really, really, ridiculously old.
2) Mentioning Uchiha Madara's power could mean that all Uchiha power comes from Madara.
3) It would not explain why he wears the one-holed mask.
Pain: Heheh, his name is Pain... I still don't understand how Tobi has rank over him. Since he's never been deafeated in battle...or has he? He could be under the Sharingan's power or maybe just really likes Tobi and his plan to take over the world!
Storm: What is the storm supposed to symbolize? The turmoil of the world. The inner battle rageing in Itachi? The special effects used to make Shadowking more menacing?
Kiba? A super smeller huh? Man it must stink to be him. Having to smell everything all the time from miles away. Not to mention Naruto. How do you improve your sence of smell and can you turn it off? Better than a nin-dog. Amazing...
Best part of the chapter: Page 10 when Sasuke falls asleep while sitting up. ^_^
taterbird: *sputters to herself*
Oh, sh*&. He mentioned that damn freakshow Uchiha The Upside to Killing Friends (pretty sure that translates as "Madara" in Japanese.). I *liked* Obito. I didn't want him to die. Now, I REALLY want him dead. I want him deader than Manda in a nuclear attack. But if Tobi is actually Obito, I'll hold out for Possessed!Obito.
It's distinctly possible that he's not Obito. Breathe into a paper bag, Snowy. He could be SO MUCH WORSE! (He's actually Sasuke's MOTHER with a BAD HAIRCUT.) Besides, if he's not dead, then maybe Rin isn't either, and she can kick his sorry undead ass. Besides, what reason would Obito have to be mad about anything? That whole ceiling rock thing? That was all him. Nobody volunteered him for it. So there's no vengeance to be had (If Kishimoto kills Kakashi off, I will be SO MAD. Super eyes are NOT WORTH the stoner sensei.). But maybe there will be an *intelligent* evil plan in there somewhere.
Did anyone notice how Kisame is so freakin' awesome that he can tell Itachi he looks like he's crying and *survive*? Don't you think that the Dread Pirate's quota for dramatic rain has been used up for the series? Sorry, Sasuke, you can't have any more rain for dramatic effect. You've overused your share. Die with this rainbow and singing blue birds.
I think ... I read somewhere that what Tobi actually said was "I am Uchiha Madara." Hold on, lemme find it, I'll quote it. It was apparently from someone who read the Japanese and KNEW Japanese.
'The line is "kono uchiha madara no chikara" --> "This Madara Uchiha's power." I think it implies that he is in fact our dear friend Uchiha Madara.... and apparently the world's greatest actor.'
'If that is indeed the original line, then yeah, it'd translate loosely to something like, 'I, the great and mighty Uchiha Madara...'
'Kono (name)' is a first-person construction - Inuyasha's Sesshoumaru uses it too, for an example of the kind of character it'd be considered typical of.'
But. I'm not certain. This is, after all, the internet.
ANYWHO thanks muchly for posting!
As for Tobito ... I've never been really fond of that one myself. I know of people that hate it with a passion, I'm not one of them. I just didn't much care for it ... I mean, at first, I thought 'hey, maybe that would be kind of funny and cool' and then ... 'nah..."
So. I will not be distraught either way, though I think much of the fanbase will be (may I call you an example? XD). However, my personal theory (... i have the feeling that I mentioned this already ...) is that it is Uchiha Shisui. Maybe being possessed by Madara. Or maybe he's just insane.
That is all. :)
Thanks for commenting Candelabra! someone not literate in Japanese, I don't really know what to believe with the Madara statement - but it would throw all my prior conjectures out of whack. Kyuubi referenced Madara, so we can assume that he was already super powerful before Kyuubi was sealed. If that's so, Madara is not Shisui, because Shisui wouldn't have been old enough...
The Tobito theory was amusing to talk about, but I didn't necessarily think it would be canon (until Kishi showed us the Sharingan under the mask!) At this point, I would actually be more distraught if Tobi was Obito than if he isn't.
I don't think you've mentioned your Shisui theory. But if he is, then Itachi's story will completely unravel! The way you get the Mangekyo would be false, and everything we've known to be true will explode! Man...Naruto's getting good.
I'm with you, Candles.
a.) It's probably not Obito.
b.) If he redeems Itachi, I'll cheerfully lob porcupines along with you. I love a good redemption story but some people should NOT be redeemed. He's a mass murderer, here, people!
Hey, maybe it's Sasuke's dad. He got all tired of the law-and-order thing, and opened up a criminal syndicate after faking his own death. It would explain wby his evil plans suck!
Okay, there we have it --- no one in Sasuke's immediate family actually died and Itachi is actually a very nice person deep down inside, who is simply misunderstood.
*holds up porcupine and flame-thrower* Shall we, taterbird?
Hell yeah.
*shakes head*
Ya'll are in some serious denial.
I'm afraid it's exactly what it looks like. That Tobi = Obito. Though he may not be 'himself'... I wonder if Tobi had something to do with Itachi's motives though.
Review the next one soon please! 365 has been out for a week!
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