Naruto Chapter 360
**Updated 7-18-07**
Summary: Deidara creates a gigantic bomb in his likeness, which breaks down into microscopic explosives that is inhaled by living organisms. Deidara celebrates as Sasuke disintegrates, but this short lived as Deidara is punctured in the chest by the real Sasuke, who reveals that he had trapped Deidara in genjutsu. The table turns once more, as the injured Deidara turns out to be bunshin, and the real Deidara grabs Sasuke from below and reveals that he has trained his left eye to counter the sharingan.
SnowyOwl Says: Hmm. No chapter title?
So many misdirections, I didn't think I'd survive all these emotional turns. Gah! He's dead. Oh no, he's not! No, yes he is! blah!

-I got to cheer with Deidara twice! I'm very happy that Sasuke is needing to work for his victory (oh, you know he'll win - whether or not something/someone interferes is another matter).

-When did Cursed-Seal Sasuke lose a shoe?
-I had a very visceral reaction seeing the panel with Sasuke disintegrating. I knew it couldn't end that way (although it would have been four kinds of awesome if it did! Abrupt and simple like Orochi - and wouldn't that throw Naruto and the whole story for a loop!?). But I was seized with a sense of futility and bittersweetness. It was something in illusion-Sasuke's expression of panic, anguish, and the way he looked like a doll or puppet crumbling (rather than something of flesh and blood) and scattered in the wind into nothingness. Even though it didn't turn out to be real, I like to think that it reflected something real in Kishimoto's characterization of Sasuke.

Witherwing writes:
Oh man, Kishimoto got me both times!
Does anyone else find the jumbo Deidara really funny? Just think about how much clay he had to up-chuck to make it that big. And where do you go to practice something like that? And what's Garuda? Maybe the name of his Dei-doll?
Sasuke: dusts
Me: Gasp
Deidara: dies from Sasuke
Me: gasp
Deidara: is alive
Me: gasp
Aw man so exciting.
So Deidara uses his right eye usually because his left eye is usless unless hs is countering genjutsu. I mean, he had it closed then opened the other. (see page 11) Is that why he wears that binocular thing on his eye?
The training of the left eye. How does one do that without something to practice with? Maybe he got Itachi to unknowingly use it on him.
Next: the fight continues!
Humph. If people can train themselves to counter the Freaky Eye of Doom, then why don't they? Not only *can* they counter it, they can just figure it out after only seeing it *once*. It should make everyone who's been killed by it feel very, very stupid. If they weren't already feeling very, very dead, that is. But there goes Itachi, Good Will Ambassador for the entire Uchiha clan, improving ninja everywhere by inspiring obsessive, hate-filled bloody vengeance campaigns. But I think, on the subject of Deidara blowing himself up, it was more along the lines of "Say that I look like Ino NOW, I dare ya!". She'd *never* let herself get so bloated.
As for consistent readership, hey, Snowy, what are friends for? :-D
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