Naruto Chapter 356: Engagement
Summary: Tobi and Deidara target Sasuke. Kabuto confronts Naruto's team and confides in Naruto that he was inspired to find his own identity. Kabuto then reveals that Orochimaru is integrated in his body and he'll seek to be more powerful than the sannin.
SnowyOwl Says: O.o;;
Holy mother of a mackerel! The more trivial points first, then I'll get to what we all want to talk about.
Sakura and Karin meets but not really. Oh yeah, we're being set up for a confrontation later. Man, Sakura's dogs suck (sorry Kakashi!). The source of the scent was right next to you! Oh darn, the scent is now moving away. Follow it! Don't just stand there, doggie!

Ok, now Kabuto.
I very literally gasped when he appeared. 1. It was so unexpected. 2. I was so happy! I've been wondering about him and I thought we would finally get a little insight into his role, his motivations, or at the very least get some sort of contrary action/enigmatic statement to ponder about. Oh, did we ever. I was seriously creeped out in the last panel. I'm squirming just thinking about it.
So, I was right that Orochi is not dead (point for me!) - but so not in the way I imagined. But unless the Orochi that Sasuke killed wasn't really him, then there might still be a chance there will be a Sasu-chimaru like how there's a Kubu-chimaru.

Witherwing writes:
OMG!!! So creepy! Yup, Kabuto has officially lost it. He's got that insane grin on. Not the evil one like Orochi had but the CRAZY one. Now we have to find out what exactly integration with Orochimaru means. I mean, I always thought that Kabuto was stronger that Orochi but now what? Is Orochi's conscience still alive or did Kabuto just such out the abilities and what his their plan now? Maybe losing his identity finally cracked him. ::shudders::
Kakashi's dogs: Well, maybe they're a little out of practice because the only one that really get's out regularly is Pakkun. But, yeah, the fight between the two girls is so coming on. Although I don't think that Sasuke will care very much if either die as long as it doesn't interfere with his plans.

I love this. ^_^
Sasuke: Glares
Tobi: runs and hides behind a tree.
Sasuke: Glares
Tobi: runs and hides behind a tree.
Errr... Sasuke's scent is on Karin? Enough to fool a tracking dog? Just how close did he get to her? Ewww.
Eh, didn't Itachi say something about wanting his demented brother to stand before him with the Scary Freakshow Sharingan so they can duke it out illusion-style? Tobi is probably apologizing because he expect to survive the encounter *to* apologize. Bless his optimistic heart.
AHHHHH, Crazy!Kabuto. You know, it could be that Kabuto possessed Orochimaru's *old* body, and Orochimaru's spirit is still stuck in the peanut-buttery recesses of Sasuke's mind. After all, wasn't it mummified in one of Orochimaru's unsanitary hideouts? After all, Kabuto DOES seem to be in control of the body, and intends to become more powerful than his master, instead of serving him. So I think that it looks like a set-up for a new villain if the series is continued after they kill off the Superfriends and save Sasuke's soul. Then they could stop whatever horrible thing Kabuto beomes, and it would still probably be a better, craftier, and more wicked plan than the Superfriends could come up with in a thousand years. Not buying it? Me neither. But here's hoping.
Either way, I wouldn't take anything Kabuto gave me. Last time they listened to him, they were nearly killed when Sasuke blew the roof off of his room in an early-morning snit. Convenient. Right.
Gah, you forgot the oh-so-awesome
"Wow, you really do look like Itachi!" comment from Tobi. Cue Sasuke's glare of death. XD
and yeah, kabuto ... whoa, so NOW we know where he went ... yeeah ...
he's freaking crazy. o.o
Oh, yeah, and me too, i was a bit disappointed in him ... :(
I just had a Naruto related revelation, it came to me while I was in the tub, and it made me *bawl* ('course, I'm pregnate, so it just may be the hormones talking.)
It's about the whole Kakashi 'n' Tobito thing... So obviously if Tobi is Obito, then he's lost his memory, but what if it wasn't just the giant rock that did that, but the taking of the Sharingan eye?
Kakashi has been haunted by Obito, or by his memory... What if that's only because he's still alive and they're connected somehow?
What if they're forced to kill each other? Either Kakashi will be forced to kill his best friend, or Obito will and possibly regain his memory as Kakashi dies. Tragic either way.
I just wanted to welcome Kenddy/Candelabra (if you visit this page again!). Welcome!
And Nibbles, gah! why'd you have to put these tragic thoughts in my head? I expect dramatic, yes (if the Tobito theory pans out) but I didn't think tragic...but I suppose that is a very real possibility. Kakashi Nooo!
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