Naruto Chapter 361: Weakspot
**Updated 7-18-07**
Summary: Sasuke is caught inside a C4 bomb, but survives by defusing the microscopic bombs in his body. Both exhausted of chakra, Sasuke lands a punch on Deidara and tells him how he strategized against Deidara. Deidara's earth jutsu are weak against lightning.
SnowyOwl Says:
Again, I'm pleased that Sasuke didn't win the fight easily - the boy CAN get hurt, even if he's got his Spinny Eye of Insight. It reminds me of his fight with Lee, where he knew what he needs, but couldn't execute. And it reminds all of us that he's not invincible, which gives Itachi/Kabuchimaru an opportunity to give him a beatdown and Naru & co. a reason to believe he's in danger and save him.
Though, I don't see how turning the chidori on himself could have hurt: the electricity is generated from his body, so it's already there. Like how Pyro can't really get burnt. And it's nothing new that Sasuke can see chakra, so were the bombs emanating chakra from underground?

Verdict: mixed. A bit annoying that Sasuke got everything right (no one but Shika and Kaka gets the honor, and they make mistakes too!) but vindicated because the execution wasn't effortless.
Finally, here's a little something to thank you loyal handful of readers: Naruto the Abridged.* Watch it. Love it. You're welcome.
*Rampant with swearing and character/show bashing. You have been warned.
Witherwing Writes:
No one ever said that Sasuke was invincible. I mean, he works hard for what he can do. He just has a sucky attitude about it afterwards. He's like the Prince of Tennis, only less likable. I don't think that it was the chidori that hurt him. Maybe he's just tired. Ew, now he has all these dead clay bugs in his bloodstream. A little insight to what Shino must feel like.
Don't worry all Sasuke proved was that he can analyze situations and do some misdirection. He still has yet to prove that he can plan 40 steps ahead and leave Deidara's head in a ditch somewhere.
And while we have mentioned Naruto's head-butt-of-doom, I'd also like to remind you that he also did the thousand year of pain. Hehe.
*Sigh* I so wanted (to borrow a phrase I read somewhere) for someone to *finally* bust a cap in Sasuke's invincible teenage ass. And his wing inexplicably grew back (maybe when he lost his shoe? Was it some kind of matter conversion?). AND he's not missing an arm, or a lung, or even a significant chunk of back. So. Very. Very. Cheap. Besides, watching him overcome a self-inflicted ninja handicap (since the Elements need hand signal notification to rain down the right amount of DOOM on sunshiny mornings) would have been SO COOL. And he'd beat Itachi single handedly.
Yeah, I admit it. I just want Sasuke maimed.
Don't worry though. He has messed up (unless he kills Deidara, in which case, he hasn't messed up). He's told Deidara, Mr. I've-Figured-Out-How-To-Counter-The-Sharingan-In-One-Encounter how he did every thing. The Dread Pirate Sasuke does this because he is a MORON. Normal people would be: "No! No explaination for you! Now you die, Mr. Bond!" and the rest of us would get the explaination in flashbacks, or random litte ambiguous boy children with abnormally high (read: Shikamaru class) analysis ablities. So unless he's killing Deidara in the next chapter, he's just violated a tenant of the Evil Overlord List: My enemy is NOT entitled to an explaination.
Way-the-by, Kakashi still has the better Chidori. It's Raikiri, yes? And that makes it cooler. And Sasuke doesn't know it yet. *smirks*
Quick addendum brought on by today's release:
Why is Deidara letting his hands make out with eachother? GROSS!
Seriously, it's nasty.
Yeah, that wasn't all that mature either. Oh well.
oh, again, I loved the overview. ^_^ You guys make me laugh. But I can barely wait until you guys get to 363, I really want to know what you make of it.
Cos then i can put all my thoughts about it up. ^_^
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