Naruto Chapter 450: The Joyful Village
Summary: Konoha celebrates Naruto's return. The wind nin head to Konoha. A new Hokage is decided while Tsunade is in a coma. (Read 450 here)
Serenphoria Says:
Lot's of stuff to love (I tend to like transition chapters) and some things ridiculously ridiculous.
- Kakashi: No better person to meet Naruto after his lonely trial. I'm glad they had an alone moment together before...
- Gaara-style reception: deserved but unoriginal.
- Sakura's reaction: Yes.
- Wind Nin: LOVE!
- Tsunade's coma: So people not good enough to not be dead get to come back in perfect health but survivors just stay hurt? That sucks.
- Konoha's political system: dumb.

Leaders: We need a leader!
Awesome Papa!Nara: I nominate Kakashi
Leaders: Good idea, good idea!
Obviously Up-to-no-good Danzou: I nominate meeeeee!
Leaders: Good idea, good idea!
Me: *facepalms*
Maybe the He-She is no one. Maybe the next chapter will start with the elders mowing him over for being dumb. Doubtful though since we need a new Big Bad. We can't have Naruto confront Sasuke so soon after his test-run with Nagato, can we?
Yeah, I facepalmed on the last pages, too. My personal favorite? In a universe where, if you want to negotiate, you send in a fifteen-year-old outcast to do the job, Kakashi is too young to be Hokage? LOLWUT? Also, I got a kick out of the Jiraya Logic Failure Chain. Hey, Jiraya was awesome, and he trained an awesome student! And that student trained an awesome stoner who was raised from the dead,so the stoner is also awesome! Hey, he breathed Jiraya's air! He must be competent to lead us! Wait, no, scratch that! That guy is so hardcore, he has a bandage over his eye to prevent it from leaking his Machiavellian badassery! Clearly, he should be the leader, even though our Hokage isn't dead yet, she's just old!
Personally, I think that it's because Danzou's missing eye is more badass-looking than Kakashi's missing eye, and the person (He? She? It? Orochimaru?) was fangirling it hard.
Also, I was laughing at Naruto's crowd surfing (and cheering for Sakura. Yes, I was cheering for Sakura and I never thought I'd say it, for having the only rational response of anyone there. Yeah, Sakura, Naruto needed punching. And a hug. But definitely punching.).
Oh. My. God.
Kishi this negates every stupid thing that happened last chapter. Things are starting to look epic. DON'T SCREW THIS UP!
Geez, that's the Fire countries Daimyo? *sigh* I only have one thing to say: Only Urahara can look good using a fan like that. Personally, I think it's the awesome hat.
Hah! I really like the fact that every fault Danzou pointed out about Konoha was of his own doing. When he used this to become Rokudaime I chuckled.
Man, I cannot wait for the big reveal.
Daimyo: Yo, peeps! Despite the fact that we still have a Godaime I decided to nominate a Rokudaime!
Danzou: Hai u gaiz! :D
citizens-of-The-Sinkhole-formerly-known-as-Konoha: D:
Yesss loving how Madara said Nagato was a pawn~ I wonder who's going to be the poor sap he's going to choose next?
Kisame vs Killerbee!!!
Damn Team Cloud is the greatest. I really love their bickering. Sui, rivals in awesome appear.
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