Naruto Chapter 436: Peace
Summary: Inoichi theorizes that the person controlling the Pains is located in the highest point near Konoha. Pain explains he is seeking justice and cyclical periods of peace via fear and though Naruto disagrees with Pain’s methods, he is unable to provide an alternative course. Nagato is revealed. (Read 436 here)
Serenphoria Says:
Though the inevitable monologue came, this chapter meaty and satisfying nonetheless. I had a lot of thoughts on this one, so sorry for the delay:
[More Chakra Properties]
So chakra can be projected through space as long as the path is relatively clear, like satellite signals. I never thought about the limitations of real!Pain even though the Nara’s shadow is a physical manifestation of this property. Interesting…in my head I just imagined real!Pain was in a tree just outside the walls or something (maybe I was still thinking of Tobi)

Although the chapter is called Peace, it was just as much about Justice, a concept that we haven’t heard much, if at all, in Naruto. I think if anything, we’ve known Justice as an end (Sasuke seeking vengeance as a form of “justice”?). In fact, Naruto’s motivation for “Justice” is eerily similar to what is motivating Sasuke: a deep, emotionally-charged sense of loss and the desire to make the culprit pay. Nagato represents a more classical sense of justice: one that stands on principle, detached from personal emotion. Still, I had trouble following his reasoning: is instilling fear in military states ‘just’ and ‘righteous’ because it brings peace or is it ‘just’ because the military states must pay for the nature of its existence?
Perhaps a larger question is, do military states exist because humans cannot help but hate and fight, or does the very presence of a military state generate war? And, if it’s the case that humans are warrish by nature, is a military state the best way to deal with it?
From Nagato’s point of view, he accepts that humans will fight, but he seems to also assume that a military state is inevitable. For all his grand ambition, he does not seek to undo the institution of a military state, only to regulate the people within its confines.
It was thrilling to see these two larger than life characters come together. This confrontation alone was more thrilling than the whole fight prior, particularly because we see just how far Naruto has come and how far he still has to go.

I loved, loved, loved that we’re seeing him mature as someone who is capable of listening to the other side and acknowledging that he doesn’t have the answers. I’m also reveling in the fact that he’s in a serious moral quandary (evil me). I’m able to enjoy his pain so much because I know that there’s a stubborn child-like part of him that will hang on to his idealism and he’ll come to the conclusion that he may not have the answer, but Nagato’s got it wrong and he’ll bring peace in his own way!
[What Next?]
I feel that we’re more-or-less done with the Pains: the next step is dealing with Nagato so that the last Pain standing is disabled, or at least escapable. I don’t actually see Naruto being taken away. He—along with the rest of us—needs time to take in the damage and grieve. Pacing-wise, we’re not ready for another rescue.

Oh Nagato! I immediately thought of that one mutant in X-Men II who immaciated and prematurely old because it took so much out of him control others with his mind. For the power the Pains had, I think it’s fitting that Nagato is so gross. I would have been miffed if he was handsome and healthy AND powerful. Something’s got to give.
That's Justice.
Da da-Da DA! It's monologue time! O'course we all knew that was going to happen last chapter... and we get first sight of Nagato (who I think is on top of that mountain they show in the background of panel 3 on page 4)...
My first thought when I saw him was... (gawd I'm embarrassed to say) 'How unyouthful.' And of course, 'ew.' Followed shortly by, 'coward.' I don't suppose if the other members of the Akatsuki saw him they'd be all gung-ho about following him.
Poor Naruto... He doesn't know how to answer. D: I guess his friends will know, and/or help him with that.
And is it just me, or is Nagato trying to make an 'atomic bomb', and thus making this story a parable against atomic warfare?
Next time, I would guess, is Naruto's Rebuttal!
Wow. When I thought about how Nagato would actually look like I imagined something like the god he professed himself to be. Not the emaciated and pitiful man we saw in this chapter. What would Jiraiya have said, I wonder?
I'm really liking the panel with Naruto going "I just don't know..." I was half expecting his optimistic "I can do anything!" attitude, but I'm glad (and kinda sad) that even Naruto knows just how daunting that task is. C'mon, Naruto, don't give up! Remember your dream of Hokage? Look at how much you've accomplished as a genin. Imagine how much more you'll be able to do as Hokage! If Danzou doesn't get there first that is...
So Nagato's the one who founded Akatsuki. What's Madara's position then? Maybe the sealing statue is his because I just can't see Nagato allying with him for any other reason. I like to put Madara on the pedestal of "Epic End Boss Villain" so I can't imagine him giving such power up. I'm just waiting for him to pull the rug from under Nagato's feet, so to speak.
Oh, God Nibbles
Your 'How unyouthful.' comment made me laugh and laugh~
My first thought was:
"Damn, he'd be fine if he wasn't a bag of bones."
I don't know if that's better or worse.
Madara seems to have a kind of 'silent partner' status as to the Akatsuki.
And NJ, as to him being hot if only he took care of himself only further exemplifies his Unyouthfulness! Someone who was youthful wouldn't let that happen to their body. The body is a temple after all.
Ok, I'm gonna stop channeling Gai now.
*eyeroll* Monologues. The downfall of every great villain (or sometimes not-very-great-villains) everywhere. Not that I don't appreciate exposition 'n' all, but seriously, I would have laughed so hard if Naruto had been all "But WHY??? (and tell me all your sekrit planz, omg!)" and Pein/Nagato was all "No." If Pein has a habit of monologuing (which he does JUST KEEP DOING), then it might explain his thinspiration!Nagato look. ("Nagato! You have to stop talking about peace and EAT!")
On the plus side- at LAST Konoha is going to look for the (um... kinda wimpy guy) that they can actually BEAT! Go Delayed Reaction Konoha Ninjas, GO!
In regards to srs bizness, I did think that Naruto being realistic enough to know there isn't a simple answer to why people like to beat up other people with boards and nails and H-bombs shows great growth of character. But I don't think he's given up on making a better world. He's just fifteen and hasn't really thought about HOW he's going to do it. And that's okay. If he had a glib answer with working diagrams and cited sources, I'd wonder what the hell Kishimoto had done with Naruto.
It's good that Nagato/Pein's character is forcing Naruto to think about consequences, though. What is a kage but a war-leader? Now he gets to redefine it, the way he redefined villagers' image of him. Before, he wanted to be Hokage because it would force everyone to see and accept him as something other than the friendly neighborhood demon and ramen receptacle. NOW what is he going to do with the job? And furthermore, ninja economy (oh my GOD, did I just bring economy into a kids' comic? *headdesk*) runs on bloodshed and conflict. How do you resolve the subsequent depression and unemployment rates with Peace on Ninja Earth? You don't. It's one big, ugly massive overhaul, and I'm wondering about Kishimoto's ability to plot at this point. (And, my sanity- too much school does this to me.)
And what's Madara doing in Akatsuki REALLY? Is he in it for teh lulz?
Also, ninjas are fun.
/srs bizness and long comment.
@nibbles- LOL the unyouthful Nagato!
Well, it's Wednesday, meaning that very late tomorrow we may be getting the next chapter of Naruto.
Kakashi... is 'stolen'. What the hell? I really don't know what to think about this, as interesting as a Pein!Kakashi would be, I don't actually think it'll happen. Perhaps it's a red herring. I mean can you imagine Nagato bringing in a Pein!Kakashi in front of a Tobito!Madara? I think Kakashi needs to be alive for that... and Pein clearly needs dead bodies.
Leaf nins... Since ya'll are so smart and know where Nagato is, what do you plan to do once you find him? Planning to grab a tiger by the tail are you? Ya'll seriously need to regroup.
Pein's Piercings and the Sage of the Six Paths... Darn it I saw an image of him some where... I don't think he had piercings/chakra transmitters... I think he utilized his bloodline differently.
Naruto's Fuschia Sage Coat... here-->
A good shot of Jiraiya and Minato's coats as well...
Now I want Team Gai to be the ones that find Nagato! Gai will defeat him with his enthusiasm!
And OMG Tobito!Madara and Kakashi!Pain - it's not going to happen but want fic nao!
My hubby thinks Nagato is going to die at the end of this battle... It might be too soon, but I thought I'd throw that out there.
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