Naruto Chapter 430: Naruto's Return
Summary: Naruto returns to see Konoha destroyed and challenges Pain to battle. (Read 430 here)
Serenphoria Says:
Happy New Year everyone! And what a great chapter to start on. Just a few observations:

Naruto must have mastered calm, because seeing Konoha in rubble is definitely kyuubification-worthy.

The Six Paths of Pain is like the Hydra (well, not the perfect analogy, but you can't kill Pain by hacking off his undead limbs). Get to the source already!
wow... Naruto was amazing. I agree with the frogs, he's starting to be more like Jiraiya and Yondaime.
On a more serious note, i'm bothered by the fact that there are no news of the civilians in Konoha. Did they go hide underground or somewhere? I mean, the ninjas barely survived that explosion, what more can normal people do in that situation?
Another thing is that there is the slightest possibility that Kakashi is still alive. One of Tsunade's slug summons is hovering near him so that might mean that he was protected from the explosion as well. There's no use in protecting someone dead, is there?
Gawd, i have a lot of questions in mind. I can't wait for the next chapter. Haha. XD
I was very surprised by the slug hanging around Kakashi--I was quite sure he'd kicked the bucket. Now I'm not so sure.
I liked having the status report of so many ninja, I was so worried about Iruka!
The civilians probably evacuated to the caves as soon as the attack started... or they were caught on the way. I hope Teuchi and Ayame are ok.
Tsunade isn't looking well is she? I like that she's near Naruto, maybe Danzou won't get her.
And what is with the scan?! It's so messy. Was it a bad print?
Two comments and no one said anything about Naruto's awesome new coat? I'm really glad that the flame decal has been passed on to the next generation and I'm also extremely satisfied that his coat is just as gaudy as the rest of his get up. Now not even a blind person could miss him!
More superimposing Minato, but with an added Jiraiya. I wonder if Itachi is going to get thrown in there one of these days...
As much as I'd like to see Naruto kick some ass I hope this battle won't be an easy one. It would feel kinda cheap if it is. Hopefully we'll get to see that secret technique he's been working on soon.
This may sound odd, but I'm really glad that Mt. Hokage is still there and no worse for wear. If Konoha was rebuilt, but the faces were gone it just wouldn't be the same you know? That said, the mere thought of Danzou's face being on there kills me a little on the inside.
I can only sum up this chapter in one word: AWESOME!!!!
Naruto has had some pretty flashy entrances in the past, but this had to be his best one so far! Also, he finally gets a costume change. That new coat he is wearing is TOO cool. Plus, the scroll on his back, just earned him some more cool points.
I wouldn't say he's on the same level as Jiraiya or Minato, but after he took down that pain with one blow... that really earned him some praise! The last time he did something that cool was when he used the Rasen-Shuriken Technique.
I can't wait for this battle. It's been a long time since I have seen Naruto in a fight ( not counting movies and/or fillers). Plus, I'm tired of seeing Sasuke fight. It's about time some other people get in on the action. I can't wait for the next Chapter!
Now, if he can just get through a fight without comic-relief stupidity, we'd be set. C'mon, Kishimoto, don't be annoying with that comic-relief screw-up stuff (We have Konohamaru for that now!)! You gave him his srs bizness eyeshadow and everything! He can be adorably goofy later, but now he needs to kick ass and take names. (Um... with his frog army. Yeah. Frogs. Or toads, I'm not really seeing a critical difference, here.)
This is Pein we're talking about here... if he screws up... it would be really, really bad ya'know. And that's just not going to happen--so yeah, srs business.
(Toads are land animals--Frogs are not. Frogs would be subject to drying out and dying.)
Spoiler below...
The chapter opens seeing Naruto Pain.
Naruto: Let's do it.
Pain: All right then, Jinchuuriki!
Pain: steps forward with an order to convene. (Those crazy dogs, a beetle, a bird, a dragon and a panda.)
All toads are ready for battle. Tsuande and Anbu are shocked.
Naruto: Gamaken, Gamabunta and Gamakichi Now!
All three frogs throwing oil on the summons, but the bird.
Gamaken: I missed one. My aim is bad ..
Gamabunta: Shut Gamaken, four of them is good.
Naruto: Art Eremita! Fire: Technique of wild fire.
A powerful explosion of flames and balls of fire cuspida Naruto fire from the mouth of the summons. Leaving behind a thick smoke.
Father attacks the frog Bird with a technical element of the wind. The bird explodes in white smoke.
Naruto Pain see the Animal Kingdom in the smoke, then he moves like a lightning fast and in some smoke. The Pain of points is seen flying out of the cloud of smoke and falling down the spiral, the impact leaves a lot of dust behind.
That leaves God Realm, Hungry Ghost, Hell Realm and Human kingdom left.
Pain God: You're tougher than I thought.
Naruto: * This guy is thinking like my kage bunshin Jutsu. All replies, but not real. I know!
Naruto gives a smile while the seal of Kage Bushin.
All the injured people of the village looking for Naruto like a ray of hope.
Chapter ends.
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Enjoy it!
To the previous post-- Lies! ('course I knew that already.)
Naruto is kicking butt!
Something I noticed on my second read through of 431... Is Tsunade going to be okay? She's so chakra depleted.
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