Friday, December 05, 2008

Naruto Chapter 427: Reunion

Summary: Familiar faces all prepare to do more battling. (Read 427 here)

Serenphoria Says:

About Kakashi. I'm maintaining a healthy dose of denial. Until they add his name to the stone I'm not even going to guess at his fate. For all we know, Tsunade mumbled yeahkakashiisfine.

About Naruto. Finally! I was waiting when he'd come up with the same revelation, again. Play to your strengths and keep it simple, Naruto, like Potter and his Nimbus.

I'm slightly miffed about Chouza. Not that I'm not happy about that Choji gets to keep his dad, but in terms of the story and my emotional investment, if they keep not-so-interesting-or-important Chouza instead of so-many-possibilities Kakashi, I'll be so upset.

Wait...I'm not thinking about Kakashi. Right.

Check out Tsunade's bring-it-on face. :)

And Team Gai! YAY!!! OMG I can't wait to see Lee wail on the Pains.


At December 05, 2008 4:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Konohamaru is doing a jutsu! CUT!

Naruto has an epiphany! CUT!

Tsunade gets some bad news, some vital information, and Chouji might not lose his Dad! CUT!

The Inuzukas kick ass! CUT!

Who needs rock to beat paper when we have kikai? CUT!

Team Gai are returning! Where the hell have you been? CUT!

Tsunade is pissed. CUT!

This chapter cuts around a lot.

Next Chapter! Will Tsunade get over emotional and lose her head?! (read: yes.) Da DA DUUUN!

At December 05, 2008 6:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hah ha Naruto has the best :/ face ever.

Whoa, I'm getting Chuunin exam invasion flashbacks here. I'm always happy to see the clans of Konoha kicking ass! The Aburame's really do dress alike... I wonder if Naruto would be able to tell them apart.

Damn... is Kakashi truly gone for good? Is Tsunade going to come out of this alive? Where the hell is Suna when you need them?

At December 06, 2008 7:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suna is too damn far away. If they come at all it'll be for the aftermath.

((I realize now I got my earlier reference wrong--I meant scissors.))

I love Naruto's o_O face too. :D

At December 06, 2008 9:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ergh... that's right. It took team Kakashi three days or something to reach Suna the last time. >_> I guess Konoha's going to have to fend for itself this time around.

Just when I really start to like the people of Konoha this happens! This is just like Itachi! You do this on purpose don't you Kishi! *shakes fist*

Naruto has the best expressions, doesn't he? :P

At December 07, 2008 6:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way back before Jiraiya died, and he and Tsunade were having a conversation on that bench, in the same bit that we learned Minato and Kushina's names... They said, that if anything were to happen to them it was likely that Kakashi would be given the reins to the village (or something to that effect).

And you know the council won't give the hat to Naruto if there is any other option.

I had a feeling that Kishi was going to start knocking off the people in power... However! It would be really, really inconvenient for Tsunade to die at this time. What with Danzo waiting in the wings...

At December 07, 2008 11:17 AM , Blogger serenphoria said...


The elders might not like it, but if the Kakashi refuses the title (like Jiraiya) and/or there is overwhelming support for Naruto to take the Hokage seat, I don't see why Naruto can't take the title with Kakashi still being alive. And really, that's a stupid reason for Kakashi to be killed off.

Naruto isn't quite mature enough to deserve the role, so if he were to take the seat that young, it doesn't make sense to get rid of people that can give him informed council.

And though it's very unlikely, I still think that it would be very cool if the Naruto series ended without Naruto becoming Hokage (maybe eventually, but not as established canon). He wanted to be Hokage so everyone would recognize him and it's obvious that he's doing quite well without the title.


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