Friday, November 07, 2008

Naruto Chapter 424: Determination

Summary: Danzou reveals his intent to overthrow Tsunade and become Hokage. A group of interrogation specialists make headway reading the mind of Jiraiya's captive. Chouza is gravely injured and Kakashi risks using the Mangekyo twice to ensure Chouji survives to alert Tsunade of Pain's power. (Read 424 here)

Serenphoria says: !!

It's your turn Iruka. Save Kakashi!

I don't care if he's said his mental goodbyes, it's not his time. His character is too epic to perish with this (lack of) set-up.

Putting my anxiety aside, it looks like Danzou isn't working with the Akatsuki, which was an idea I entertained when he smited messenger!frog. (OMGFroggy!) I had to smile inside, though, when an underling questioned him. Somehow, I imagined him as a militant that had the absolute, unquestioning loyalty/fear of his soldiers. I guess I overlooked the fact that Sai got off scott-free when he not only failed his mission, but also when he showed independence and asked to keep his name and new team.


Edit: It makes me really nervous when mangakas go on break (ahem *CLAMP*). I hope the story hasn't derailed irreparably. He better be figuring out some way to save Kakashi.


At November 08, 2008 1:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I don't think Kakashis going to die. SOMEONE has to tell Naruto about his parents after all and there is still the question of how Kakashi got his mutated Mangekyou in the first place. Miracle Slugs to the rescue!

Huh. Asuma, Jiraiya and now Chouza... is Inoichi next?

Yeah, I figured Danzou wasn't with Akatsuki when he sent Sai to "kill" Sasuke. Still, hoping that he knows Madara somehow though...

I hope Naruto will be able to fight at least one Pain before the end :<

At November 08, 2008 7:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sigh* I hate you so much right now, Kishimoto. Serious, you had BETTER not be killing off Kakashi without a really good, tear-jerker set up. WHAT. EVER.

LOL, Danzou, all this ecological unfriendliness (what if that had been a really rare, endangered species of talking frog? OMG, what if it was the LAST ONE? What then, Danzou, WHAT THEN??? Ecological terrorist.) because you want to be Konoha's Prom King? But here's hoping that Sai HAS gotten away with just walking away from Danzou and his nasty little Cult of Black Ops. Somehow, I doubt it. It would be unlike Kishimoto to miss such a golden opportunity for wangst. ("Alas! How can I choose between my friends and my duty? Oh, woe is me, that I must choose between the Evil Cult That Raised Me, and My Bestest Friends Ever! WOE, I say, WOEEEE!" And then Naruto will punch him a few times, and all will be well.)

Anyway, the Miracle Slugs had better be working their sluggy miracles on both Chouza and Kakashi, or...or... I'll be SERIOUSLY PEEVED.

At November 08, 2008 3:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gah, I hope Kakashi doesn't die... I mean what will those slugs be for if they don't save one of the popular characters?!

Plus, Kakashi... you have a NEW team now. Did you mentally say goodbye to them? Nope, you did not. It was more like he was saying Hellooooooooo to the afterlife. Wow, angsty.

Lol at Kishi going on hiatus next week. Leave us with a killer cliffie why dontcha?

This whole Danzou thing is laughable. It just makes him look like a senile idiot who can't let go of his childhood dream. DUDE. YOUR NOT GONNA BE HOKAGE. DEAL WITH IT.

And... what the HECK is going on with THAT Pein? (The one with more than one face) Plus it looks like the puppetmaster theory seems to be the one Kishi's gone for XD

I can't help but love the slugs. In real life slugs are gross but in the anime, they're kind of cute. Slug power! Wooooh!

At November 10, 2008 9:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, kakashi u can owned pain!!!


At November 21, 2008 1:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preview of 425: !!!!!!!!!!!!

I really hope its just a near-death experience. He can't die. He just CAN'T. Especially not like that :(

And wtf. The Konoha Shinobi are striking me as STUPID. How many times have they said 'the truth about Pein' or 'the truth behind Pein'.

I swear, I want to SHOOT them.


Grrr >:(


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