Naruto Chapter 423: The Deva Path's Powers
Summary: Deva Pain's power is gravity and can pull and deflect objects from himself. Kakashi and the Akamichi's team up to attack Deva Pain, but another Pain thwarts the attack. Trapped in rubble, Kakashi is vulnerable to Pain's next attack. (Read 423 here)
Serenphoria says:

What the heck Deus Ex Machina Pain? It was like another Haku moment, except Haku didn't come back from the dead to shield Zabuza.
Kakashi said, out loud: I can't dodge from this range. Which means he can. (Just, tilt your head over a bit). Really, nailed by a nail? That would be as anti-climactic as how Yamato from Hitman Reborn got defeated by a wall.
What can Kakashi do? Dimension warp that nail away! Better yet, Dimension warp Pain away.
I'm liking how the Konoha nin refuse to say anything about Naruto. Sure, there are many reasons why they wouldn't say anything, but I'd like to take the optimistic route and say that everyone has finally seen how awesome Naruto is.
Speaking of Naruto, perhaps it's a good thing he didn't go to Konoha right away... considering the fact that he hasn't even finished his training.
What can Kakashi do? Dimension warp that nail away! Better yet, Dimension warp Pain away.
Yeah, I thought this too. Pain seems to be set up for Naruto to defeat, though, so I doubt Kakashi's Mangekyou will actually kill him. Ah well. next time Kakashi.
Kakashi CANNOT die!!!!At least not like this!! I refuse to believe that someone as awesome as him will be taken out by a rusty nail! If Kakashi were to be killed, it would have to be a spectacular death, not this bull crap! Plus, this is "naruto". Most likely kakashi is gonna pull a secret jutsu out of the crack of his ass that will save him at the last minute. just wait and watch...
I suppose the dimension thing could work... BUT... the toll it would take on Kakashi would be huuuge! He's already used Raikiri type things a bunch of times, if he uses his Mangekyou... :/
Kakashi can't die. Do it, Kishi, and I will throw the biggest bitch fit you have ever seen! Well... maybe not, but I'll be upset :(
Which makes me wonder... where is Danzou going to come into it? He did kill the froggy in the evil freaky way that only Danzou can do...
What's HE planning?
Ooooh, I just remembered something.
At one point, Pein says "Shinra Tensei".
Shinra itself is a japanese transliteration of Silla, one of the three Kingdoms of Korea, what reference that has here, I have no idea. Of course there is the reference to the evil corporation in Final Fantasy VII but I doubt thats what Kishi means XD
Tensei literally means "the resurrection of a soul"... really taking God realm to a new level, huh?
424: So the nail didn't kill him...
...still, *sniff*, Wahhhhhhhhh!
Just as I thought! Danzo is plotting a coup!
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