Saturday, September 08, 2007

Naruto Chapter 368: Reconnaissance

**Update 9-17-07**

Jiraiya captures and prepares to interrogate two men about Pein. Meanwhile, Pein sends Konan, his Akatsuki partner, to locate the intruder (Jiraiya).

SnowyOwl Says:

Waaah! Toad House! So cool! ::geeking out:: I always thought that Jiraiya was the most awesome (skilled, well-adjusted...) of the sannin, but this clinches it. I'd like to see the other two do that with their summons.

Minus points for the worst disguise ever. And why do they always have to reveal themselves before interrogating the captives? Stay in disguise and the captives can't positively identify you later! Crazy ninjas
::shakes head::

Jiraiya threatened to tickle them into submission. I love Jiraiya. Please don't die because of the Akatsuki. You need closure with Orochi/Sasuchi/Kabuchi. ::sad face::

Anyone else notice it's Suigetsu who calls out concerned for Sasuke? ::secretly fangirling:: It's nice that Kishimoto is showing good team cohesion (in a funny, disfunctional/functional kinda way) and not just Karin being obsessive all the time.

Only the Japanese would come up with origamifying yourself as a super-power. And make it look so lovely. Deathly beauty. Beware of paper cuts!

Witherwing writes:

Jiraiya - Tickleing to death seems very Monty Python-esque. I love how the two ninjas were like 'there aren't any pubs down here on the bottom level'. 'Hey look a pub on the bottom level, let's go in.' Nope, not suspicious at all.

Konan turns herself into paper. I guess that's why she has to wait until Pein stops the rain otherwise she's usless. On a side note I hope that that's a lip ring and not a wart.


At September 08, 2007 4:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the next one is all about Pain too. :D

At September 08, 2007 6:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the initial reaction is: "Come on! Where's the real chapter?"

Toad House TOTALLY looks like it belongs in Fantasyland. Right next door to Snow White, and up the street from the teacups. I loves it! But maybe the other Sannin weren't shafted. I mean, there is (or *was*) a Snake!Nuclear Fallout Shelter and ummmm... a Slug!Slide? Yeah, for the slugs, I got nothin'.

And the disguise, so very much more effective than the tickling. Seriously, they'd break so much faster because suddenly microwave popcorn has turned on them! It's surreal! It's Twilight Zone-y! It's so ridiculous that they'll doubt their own sanity before they self-destruct into gibbering, slobbering, former ninja wrecks! All thanks to Orville and his buttery goodness. As for the scary Superfriend chick, it's straight out of the Teen Girl Squad. The Ugly One got PAPERED! Oh noes!

At September 08, 2007 9:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taterbird, if you think the frog house belongs in fantasy land, wait till you see Jiraiya's jutsu in 369!

I wonder if it *actually* works though, or if that guy is going to feel stupid later.


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