Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Naruto Chapter 304: Tears

Summary: Naruto recalls his encounter with Itachi in the woods where Itachi asked what Naruto would do if he had to choose between Konoha and Sasuke. After Naruto responds that he would find a way to save both, Itachi gives Naruto part of his power. Sasuke understands now that he saw Itachi cried the night of the massacre and but refuses to take Itachi's eyes for himself, determined to revive the Uchiha clan his own way. (read 304 here)

Serenphoria Says:

[Naru and Ita]

I knew that the Naruto-Itachi encounter couldn't have been as simple as it appeared in chapter 366! Well, no, I was confused, but in retrospect, it makes sense that they'd have a revealing conversation that we can be privy to only after the Uchiha showdown.

I wonder what Itachi was feeling when Naruto said he's a better brother than Itachi ever was. Irony? A knife in the heart? Relief? Maybe little of everything.

Itachi's questions felt very much like a test to see if Naruto was the right person to pass the torch to, to be not just the one to protect Sasuke (possibly from himself) but to do what he couldn't do. While he chided Naruto about being naive (well deserved), I think he was also banking on Naruto's ability to find a way to break the mold.

Itachi's world-view was shaped by boundaries. Even though he was able to see beyond the clan and his upbringing, it wasn't enough for him to actually escape the bonds of his heritage and ninja-dom. Naruto, on the other hand, reminds me of Vash the Stampede - he wants to save the spider and the butterfly - and he didn't grow up with anyone telling him that was impossible. Naruto has proven time and again that he can find a way to be to defy expectation and to redefine the Truths of his world.

I am glad that Itachi called Naruto out on his naïveté though. That boy needs to hear it again. He may be lovable because of his stubborn hold of his ideals, but he's also living in a dream world and needs to grow up. The solution is not beat Sasuke into submission if he doesn't want to come quietly. When it comes to Sasuke (well, a lot of things really), Naruto is stuck in a toddler's solipsic mental state - he needs to get out of himself and recognize other people have their own point of view and not his. I mean, how many times do people have to tell him that Sasuke doesn't want to come back? He always has this confused look, like he can not fathom how a person not want what he wants and not value what he values and copes by ignoring it. I don't doubt Naruto can save both the spider and the butterfly, but he's got a ways to go before he gets there.

On a lighter note, did anyone else joygasm when Itachi bequeathed some of his power to Naruto. Itachi is part of Naruto. I don't know how much more you can solidfy his role as Sasuke's brother. And since Sasuke still has brother issues, it'll get interesting.

[Sasu and the Uchiha]

Speaking of which, Sasuke's psychosis regarding his brother is worse than I thought. He refused to follow his brother's plan when he loathed him at the Valley of the End. Now he refuses to follow his brother's plan when he doesn't loathe him. I won't go so far to say that Sasuke is now rediscovering his love for Itachi, but seriously, what does he want? What is he trying to prove? To whom? I'm going to revive the Uchiha my own way. As opposed to who's way? I don't think Itachi (or Madara) had (has) any intention of reviving the Uchiha; quite the contrary.

So there's noise in the fandom that says the convenient resurfaced memory is a plot-device by Kishi, or evidence that Madara is manipulating his memories. While I do think that Madara is being manipulative, I think it's through language (a la Wormtongue) and Sasuke's memory recovery is natural. When something we observe (tears) does not fit into existing mental schema (evil, emotionally detached brother), we tend to ignore it or interpret it in such a way that it does. Check out these two memories: Sasuke remembered his brother at that moment as dark and menacing when he's working with the brother-is-evil schema and remembered the same moment more accurately now that he has a brother-is-loving schema to bucket that memory into.

He refused to take Itachi's eyes. I hope no one else does either. (OMG, Naruto should take them - j/k j/k!)


At June 12, 2008 10:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Itachi~ <3 Even if you do somehow turn out to be a bad guy at the end of it all, I'll still love you because you're made of pure awesome.

You really hit the nail on the head concerning Itachi and Naruto's meeting. And wow, I've never thought of comparing Naruto to Vash. The butterfly and spider thing works really well for Naruto and Trigun's ending gives me hope.

"I think he was also banking on Naruto's ability to find a way to break the mold."

YES to this. When Itachi said his part and Naruto responded with his "Ninja way" I think Itachi's smile said everything, don't you? While I believe that he was genuinely curious about Naruto's response I think he wanted to test his conviction most of all.

I really dug the unspoken "Then I leave him in your care." that Itachi seemed to convey towards Naruto. I wonder if that was part of the reason why he was able to die with a smile on his face...

concerning Naruto's naïveté. I choose to look at it in a different perspective. I think that perhaps Naruto sees a part of Sasuke everyone else can't or won't see. The part that still thought of Itachi as a brother, the part that made him willing to sacrifice himself in order to protect his precious people and the part that stopped him from killing Naruto back in the VotE... I'm sorry for the extreme cheesiness of what I just typed out, but I really like to believe that and besides, didn't Neji say Naruto had better eyes then him?

"did anyone else joygasm when Itachi bequeathed some of his power to Naruto."

GOD YES! I never would have thought that Itachi would give anyone power, much less Naruto. The complete and utter delight that action gave me *3*

And since someone has to point this out: Itachi gave Sasuke some of his power with a poke on the forehead. Come Naruto's turn, he ends up shoving his 'power' down his throat.

Is there something you want to tell us, Itachi?

On a more sobering note, Zetsu's comment about Itachi being weakened before the fight finally makes sense. It makes me wonder though. Itachi said he gave Naruto 'some' of his power, but If he performed so poorly that Zetsu has to say something about it, I wonder just how much 'some' really is :o

Finally, when you said Itachi was apart of Naruto now, I got kinda giddy. I never really thought of it like that before. What if he gave Naruto more than just his powers, what if he gave him some of his memories. Just a thought X3

Ah, Sasuke, what are we going to do with you. How exactly is he planning to revive Uchiha =_= I could almost feel Itachi rolling.

About Sasuke's memory. Have you seen this? In the anime Sasuke says "I was crying." so I'm not sure what to make of this, but I can't see him saying that he was crying to anyone...

I know you were joking about Naruto taking Itachi's eyes, but fics that have a Sharingan using Naruto is a guilty pleasure of mine... you wouldn't happen to have any recs would you ^_^;

At June 13, 2008 8:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is chapter 403.... o_0

Chapter 304 was a long time ago, and 404 is here:

heh. Sorry. Just thought you might want to know.

umm.... I'd comment more but I have to go to supper. >_< Though I have to say I agree --- I'm glad Itachi pointed out Naruto's naivete. Now I'm not sure if I want Naruto to succeed in saving Sasuke or not. Heh.

Also, serenphoria, did my email ever reach you? I finished beta-ing and sent it back, but sometimes either email or screws it up and my emails don't get through...

At June 13, 2008 9:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, look, it's Naruto! LOL, eat crow, Naruto! The only problem I had with this chapter was me mentally inserting Monty Python quotes inbetween Itachi's interview questions. "What is your name? What is your quest? What is... YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? Wait, Naruto. Don't answer that."

I need help. But, so help me, Monty Python works EVERYWHERE.

So, it looks like Naruto is Itachi's plan B. His Plan A is an obvious bust. It's too bad, Itachi. You planned on everything except the fact that your brother is a drooling moron in parachute pants. Or maybe that's why he had the contingency plan. "Oh, dammit, Sasuke's wearing those stupid parachute pants. Oh, God, is that a ROPE? Shoot, gonna need a Plan B..."

And the hidden power Itachi gave him? The power to coordinate neutrals with ONE bright accessory to pop the whole thing with flair. And impeccable emo nailpolish.

At June 28, 2008 8:38 PM , Blogger serenphoria said...


'Is there something you want to tell us, Itachi?'

My thoughts exactly. Head in the gutter *shamed*

Oh, memories too? That would be interesting - it would mean that Naruto knows what Akatsuki is up to :)

And not cheesy at all. I do think that Naruto has better eyes than most, meaning he has this uncanny way of empathizing with others and seeing things from a higher, moral standard (though, not always simultaneously). But at the same time, he can be awful stubborn about changing his views (which usually serves him well, but with Sasuke, it's hindering him). Here, I think I meant that he correctly sees that Sasuke needs rescuing, but not in the way that he's going about it.


OMG I was thinking about that EXACT Monty Python moment too, only I couldn't find a good way to incorporate it into the post (seemed to interrupt the tone I had going) so thank you for doing that for me.


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