Naruto Chapter 395: The Mystery that is Tobi
Summary: Team Konoha puzzles over Tobi's abilities, who seems to somehow literally disappear/cease to exist. Zetsu reports to Tobi/Madara that Sasuke defeated Itachi, but suffered damages. (Read 395 here)
Serenphoria Says:
Nothing too deep this time, but a lot of really great moments:
- Shino: I love how everyone else calls out really complicated names for their jutsu and he utters such simple commands for his. (Fly. Spread. Swarm.) I think it fits him perfectly. I also noted a quirky speech pattern in which he doesn't just explain what's going on, but prefaces by verbalizing the implied question. Silly Shino.
- Kiba: He totally missed. I love how he tries futilely to salvage his dignity.
- Zetsu: He reports to Tobi? How many of the others are in cahoots? So far Pein, Konan, Itachi, and Zetsu knows Tobi isn't just a goofball.
- ExclamationFace!Kakashi: He saw Tobi's Sharingan. I'm dying to know what he's thinking.

*ah hem* Am I the only one who gave pause at Naruto's command of 'Suck him dry, Shino!'? First snaketongue!Orochi and now this. Maybe it's just me... :(
I'm proud of Naruto. I wouldn't have given the character credit for knowing what aloe vera IS. Of course, he spends enough time in Ninja Hospital to have picked up a few things (although whether he spends much time in the burn ward without Sasuke there to set him on fire is anybody's guess.)
I like Tobi. I like Tobi very, very much. He's all: "Pshaw, I am so awesome I don't even need to beat ya'll senseless. I'll play with ya next week!" Yep. I like Tobi. And Shino (who can just insect people to death, which is a cool power), but mostly Tobi.
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