China Earthquake Relief
A powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake has killed an estimated 50,000 people in
All donations will be fully (100%) forwarded to Red Cross
It's time to band together as humanity. Thanks!

*This post will likely be deleted at a later date.
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The "Obama Jinx" theory. or for short, the "OJ" theory. For all of those who want Obama to win you must do one thing... root for Mccain! I know what your thinking... this is a crazy idea! but once I explain it to you, you will understand.
Currently, Barrack Obama is getting a lot of positive energy. There is nothing wrong with positive energy, but too much is a bad thing. Because countless people want Obama to win, he will lose because they are jinxing him. It's just basic physics. When something is TOO good to be true, it usually is TOO good to be true. Obama is going way past his limit of positive energy. If this continues, obama will lose the election. Losing the election will be the only thing to balance out Obama's level of positive energy.
To prevent Obama from losing, you must believe in John Mccain and try to convince others to believe in him. We can't do anything about the positive energy Obama has now, but we can prevent him from getting any more. You can still VOTE for Obama, but don't openly express your feelings for him.
Here are a few tips to believe in John Mccain:
-Don't let people know that you just PRETENDING to believe in him. That defeats the whole purpose!
- Make arguments for John Mccain that sound intelligent, but when closely examined are completely retarded.
-Force yourself to believe that John Mccain is the best choice, even if he isn't.
-Learn what are his policies.
-Before you talk about politics, drink some liquor to mentally prepare yourself to talk about Mccain and how good he is.
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