Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Naruto Chapter 397: The Man Who Knows the Truth

Summary: Tobi reveals to Sasuke that he is Madara and that Itachi lived to protect the shinobi world, the Leaf village, and Sasuke. (Read 397 here)

Serenphoria Says:

Apologies for the late update. There was so much I wanted to say that I kept putting it off. Thanks people who commented to give me a nudge.

This chapter was chalk full of goodies and food for thought. I'm sure Kishimoto timed the break to give readers plenty of time to speculate and prepare for a twist in our understanding of Itachi.

[Truths, Half-Thruths, and Un-Truth: Reliability of our Sources]

Without taking sides in the Is-Itachi-Evil debate, I think the big question is 'Is Madara reliable?'

Remember that since Tobi revealed himself as Madara (see 364) we knew that Sasuke was integral to his great scheme, whatever it is. Thus, any interaction with Sasuke, and any information he offers will be to manipulate Sasuke towards an end goal. Any 'Truth' that he reveals about Itachi must be taken with a grain of salt because Madara ultimately has an ulterior motive. And to that point, everything we've ever known about Itachi has been based on unreliable sources:

- Sasuke's childhood memories (filtered through the eyes and understanding of a child)
- Itachi's words and illusions (and we know everything he does is to fulfill a purpose)
- Madara's words (which is motivated by his end goal)

The only way we can ever have a clear understanding of Itachi's motivations is to see into Itachi's flashbacks (with mental commentary), which now seems unlikely. I know some people are frustrated about where Itachi's character seems to be headed, but I think Kishimoto has done a masterful job at keeping this particular villain so complex and mysterious. Whatever will be revealed in the coming chapters I'll take as another piece to the puzzle, but certainly not as a replacement for what we've seen already.

[Sasuke's Next Move: Fragile Mental State]

Sasuke is a wreck. His body is drained, he can't control his eyes, and is being told that every 'Truth' that has guided his life was wrong. Mention of his brother still gets a rise out of him - clearly, his brother issues has not been resolved by Itachi's death - something's still wrong, and he can't put his finger on it. Great use of silent panels, the dark backdrop, and nuanced expressions to capture the mental turmoil.

Most interesting to me is that even now, Sasuke is not in control of his fate. Itachi had planned the fight, had the final say, and sought to guide the future by implanting his technique into Sasuke. To protect him or not, even now Sasuke is a puppet. No wonder Sasuke is so dissatisfied.

Unfortunately, Sasuke's fragile state leaves him extremely vulnerable to further manipulation - whether to act due to guilt or to relieve himself from cognitive dissonance. I'm leaning towards the latter.

[aside: I also wanted to note that one thing which has been consistent about Itachi is that his actions always has a purpose. While the fandom was busy wondering if the forehead poke was out of affection or exhaustion, we are again humbled by the revelation of what that action actually did. I think this is something we can keep in mind if we ever try to deconstruct Itachi based on actions we actually witnessed.]

I look forward to what insight Madara has to offer.


At April 24, 2008 8:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soooo... Itachi, a mass murderer (even if he didn't kill his entire clan on his own, he's still a mass murderer. Come to that, he was ALREADY a mass murderer. Huh. That probably helped the whole dissociative thing.) was ACTUALLY trying to be a Good Scout? What was he trying to do, prevent the Uchiha from creating a Godzilla technique and going on a bloody rampage around Konoha? Oh, wait, they already HAVE that technique! Madara originated it! You fail, Itachi.

In all seriousness, it isn't so much that Itachi may in fact be a contender for a ninja Nobel Peace Prize that prompted such severe shenanigans- it's that he implanted his techniques by touching Sasuke's forehead. Or something. SHENANIGANS! Why force Sasuke to kill his best friend, if the good stuff can be shared via bloody fingers? Why does anyone need to have a teacher at all? How does it feel to be a fifth wheel, Kakashi? No. That. Is. Stupid. Shame on you, Kishimoto. He had better come up with some spectacular flaw (like Sasuke blacks out when he uses it and goes on a bloody rampage around Konoha, or something- Godzilla no jutsu!) to balance this out. There's only so far that my suspension of disbelief can spread, and Kishimoto has been pushing it for awhile now. SHENANIGANS! You can't do it. What's the point of a character working at anything? Why not have a Hokage tap everyone on the forehead and transfer stuff that way? You never see Sasuke really work for anything. Not like you see Naruto work, or Lee work. And now he's had Uchiha techniques handed to him on an extremely bloody platter. It's not good storytelling, regardless of character development. The sooner we arc away from the Uchiha, the better.

At April 24, 2008 9:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo! I came here from your profile page on FFnet (ever plan on updating After the Falls anytime soon? ;P) and hope you don't mind me adding my comments to your thought provoking entries :D

I'll admit that what Madara said concerning Itachi's character made me rather giddy at first. I mean, Itachi's reason for killing his entire clan (with help) sans foolish little brother was so he could eventually pluck said foolish brother's eyes out?

Near the end of the fight, though, I found that I pretty much accepted that it was at least one of his reasons for doing what he did. I mean come on, the Mangekyou Sharingan has the ability to control the strongest of the tailed beasts, shoot all consuming black fires of DOOM, pull anyone you wish into a nightmarish world of your making, er... Susano... and tear through the very fabric of space and time (or at least Kakashi's can). All that without consequence for the low, low price of your brothers eyes (and god looking at that list... how in the world did the first Hokage win)? But despite this, I could never quite believe him when he said that the Itachi Sasuke remembered was all just an act.

Not that I think Itachi's guilt free. He still took part in the Uchiha massacre... but now that I think about it, the only Uchiha that we have absolute proof of Itachi killing was Shisui. If Itachi's to be believed Madara's pretty much crushed entire shinobi clans by himself before he met the First, so who's to say that he couldn't do the same to his own. Hmm. Still, it doesn't excuse Itachi from pretty much breaking Sasuke and then instilling the Sith mentality into him with the entire "Release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy me." (famous quote via Lord Vader :P)

So what I'm trying to say is: I didn't quite buy into the explanation Itachi gave for killing his clan and ruining Sasuke's life (though he did seem rather keen on getting his eyes) so when Madara comes out of nowhere and implies that Itachi's actual reasons where very different, my reaction was "Geez, maybe we'll finally get some answers here!"

Of course, there's also the problem of Madara's reliability as you so aptly pointed out. But something's better than nothing at all.

Ah, Sasuke. A part of me is saying "see, see this is what your friends in Konoha were trying to protect you from feeling!" while the other part's wishing that Naruto would materialize from thin air and give him a big hug D:

With the way Sasuke's been acting and when you said he's still a puppet I couldn't help but think of this quote:

"Even though the puppet master is dead... the puppet still feels it's strings."
~ Hisoka

Didn't Sasuke say that he wanted to kill Madara too? I wonder if he'll continue to follow that path.

P.S. This is, like, the third time I tried to post my comment =_= So if I just spammed you three times I apologize in advance ._.

At April 24, 2008 10:03 PM , Blogger serenphoria said...


You know, you bring up a good point about the ease of technique transfer. If there was a logic to it, then I guess Kishi is saying Itachi is so kickass that he can do something even hokages can't when he's beat. Or maybe it's a family thing. I'm getting miffed as I respond...Sasuke's one of those kids I HATED at school, the ones that just GET IT without needing to put effort into it. GAH! My consolation is that a lot of things Sasuke gets he doesn't actually want. And yeah, I totally support the blackout side-effect. Angst! Suffer!



Thank you for such an in-depth comment! I hope you revisit this post to see this response, because I really appreciate your thoughts. Taters and I get a little lonely at this here blog.

About After the Falls, I actually finished writing it months ago, but my beta's been busy and I don't have the guts to post without someone going over it, since it's the end. :( Do check back though.

At April 24, 2008 10:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey it's me, the anonymous commenter from before *waves* I'm going to try and put my alias in again (as I tried to the first time I posted =_=) so I'm not just a nameless passer bye :P Er, I'm clicking on the Name/URL thing (minus URL) so I hope it works (first time I've posted in a blog. Yeah ^_^;)...

I'm glad I'm not imposing and that you enjoyed my long winded rant there :P Though my post is far inferior to what you make, if you feel the need to discuss anything with me go right ahead :D

You already finished your fic :O Well, I'm glad to know that once your beta's free we'll be able to see it :) How much chapters are left?

Also, you probably know this already, but the new Naruto's up. I had a feeling Madara would pull Konoha into this...


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