Naruto Chapter 406: The Key to the Future
Summary: Shikamaru seeks out people close to Jiraiya to crack the code he left. He also has a heart-to-heart with Naruto about dealing with loss and growing up.
Serenphoria Says:
This chapter was sweet. But first, two little criticisms:

2 - Poor exposition delivery. Kishi missed in his choice of through whom he'd tell the audience about the key to the code. Shikamaru should already know from his work experience (and intellect). The information should have been delivered a different way to keep things in character.
That said, I enjoyed:
1 - Kakashi's memory. In the past, you got the sense that they had a mentor/mentee relationship, but colored by a stand-offish mutual respect. I think this is the first time we see evidence that not only were they closer, but had guys-being-guys moments. Sweet.
2 - Kakashi's concern for Naruto. I'm actually quite pleased that Kakashi asked Shika to check in on Naruto. Not the moment my inner fangirl imagined, but very much in character. He cares, but he keeps an arm's length. Instead, he guides the young'uns to help each other grow. He's the invisible hand that, like Jiraiya, will never get his fair share of acknowledgment until much too late.
2. SHIKAMARU. I won't quote everything, but basically everything he says from the hospital onward is gold. I love his dedication to Asuma's memory and how sweet he is to Kuranai. I love how he's grown to not be afraid of showing that he cares (he may still be laid back and practical, but not actively indifferent - if you can be such a thing). I love his maturity in recognizing they are the leaders now, they are the role-models, and they're the ones who have to step up and make their teachers proud.
And if Asuma had to die for anything plot-wise, it would be for this moment. To allow Shika to have already mourn and heal so that he can empathize with Naruto and help usher Naruto to the next stage of his development.
"Like Asuma and Jiraiya, I want to be as cool as them"
Shika, my dear, you already are.
Sidenote: There's speculation that the numbers correspond to something in Jiraiya's books. While I wouldn't be surprised if they were (pervert to the end) I think Kakashi would have been the one to recognize it (Naruto didn't really get into them). I'm hoping that'll it'll be something between the two of them and we'll finally get a little insight into what they were doing those 2.5 years.
6/29 Edit: I found it interesting that 3 new characters got names (Oyone, Umador, Shiho). Since Kishi took the time to tell us, I expect they'll show up again, though not in a super meaningful way.
*Konoha Investigation Bureau