Naruto Chapter 392: Susano'o
Summary: With Sasuke out of chakra, Orochimaru manifests himself to confront Itachi. However, Itachi seals Orochimaru with Totsuka, the spiritual sealing sword that Orochimaru has been searching for his whole life.
SnowyOwl Says:

Interesting move by the author: Orochimaru's relationship with Sasuke now parallels Kyuubi's and Naruto's relationship (their exchange about power deliberately similar). While it irks me that Naruto is becoming less and less 'special,' juxtaposing different reactions to similar situations may prove useful for characterization. Or, as this has already been done with Gaara, this is setting up for an opportunity in the future Naruto to mature and help Sasuke through this situation. Assuming that Orochi lives (most likely, as I don't see what else Sasuke has up his sleeves) his parasitic relationship with Sasuke is still nascent, whereas Naruto has already conquered Kyuubi's temptation for power.
If nothing else, perhaps it will give Sasuke some empathy for Naruto's circumstance.
Oh, it's Orochimaru! That damn freeloader (and a bit fickle, maybe? Sharing mind-space with two minions is just a *smidge* selfish, Orochimaru, when you haven't got more than half a brain between you and your "special" white snake.). And now he's been permanently sealed in a Sleeping Beauty type thing by Itachi's Mystical Sword of AWESOME POWAH!!!
*blinks rapidly*
Right. Yes. Meanwhile, Naruto and crew have peacefully resolved any and all issues they may have with Tobi/Madara (via Naruto's uber-powerful super secret Let's-Talk-It-Out-With-Tea-And-No-Violence no Jutsu, followed by a devastating hit of Turning-Over-a-New-Leaf no Jutsu- an old favorite!) and have all tripped merrily off to their next adventure, having decided they'd rather have Sai- who may have unresolved issues concerning loyalty (and wardrobe) but at least he's not a spotlight hogger- and leaving Sasuke to his well deserved demise. Also, they will feed him to his random talking ninja cats.
Sasuke? Empathy? Optimist.
393! Effing 393! OMG... Dead to rights... and then... AND THEN...
Weirdly enough...ew. This was better without pictures. What the hell is that tube thing coming out of Orchimaru's stomach? It's gross. And why does he have the cartoon world's only drooling snake? Icky, icky, icky!
That icky tube? Ever look at the inside of the mouth of a snake? That's it's breathing tube, so it can swallow things whole without suffocating.
Wow. I didn't know that about snakes. But don't they have nostrils? Shouldn't they be able to breathe from there?
Oh... and here was me thinking Kishi had just forgot to censor Orochimaru's manhood.
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