Naruto Chapter 385: The Secret of the Mangekyou
Summary: Sasuke asks Itachi who the third Mangekyou Sharingan user is, because he figured he was Itachi's accomplice in killing the Uchiha, and thus next on his hit list. Itachi tells him it's Uchiha Madara, his mentor, and an immortal who was the first to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan. It's true power is the power to tame the nine-tailed fox, but the price is blindness. (Read 385 here)
SnowyOwl Says:

Madara = immortal, confirmed. But it still doesn't rule out the possibility that Madara is inhabiting Obito's (dead) body. Ew. It actually makes a lot of sense that Itachi had a mentor who gave him direction, nurture and validate his sense of superiority, and helped extinguish the Uchiha. A lot more sense than 'Itachi just is,' or Itachi just decided to,' anyway.
For an in-depth discussion about Itachi's philosophy and personality, go read zapenstap's Itachi Analysis Essay. The ideas there are consistent with Itachi's motives, which are revealed in the next chapter if the spoilers prove true.

On a side note, yes Itachi may be going blind, but at least his eyes make funny noises. Swuuu!
All hail insomnia!
As for Itachi's Superhero!Eyes, I'm waiting for them to go "ching!" or "wham!" or maybe "biff!". Holy unnatural eyes, Batman!
Still, an entire illusory battle? AWESOME. Bonus points to the Dread Pirate for figuring out that Itachi, Ye Kicker of Puppies and Lo, the Dread Drowner of Kittens had one of those whatchamacallits- you know, evil Darth Vader-y type mentors. But immortal? Laaaaaame. Laaaaaaaame! Come on, you can't just keep trotting out immortality like it's nothing. Besides, it's anticlimactic. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can top Shikamaru leaving Malfoy's screeching head in a ditch. Covered with rocks. For ETERNITY. Immortality. Yeah. Sign me up.
Side note: Naruto? Narutoooo? Where are you, Naruto?
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