Naruto Chapter 386: My New Light
Summary: With genjutsu, Sasuke probes Itachi's mind and discovers that the Mangekyou can reach its final form when the eyes are transplanted between brothers, bypassing blindness and granting immortality (?). He realizes that Itachi had always meant for them to fight to the death, as they have each others 'spare' eyes. (Read 386 here)
Snowyowl Says: Wow, this heavy chapter deserves a long post!
Well, what do you know. An Inner-Itachi!
Regular Itachi:

I'm glad Inner-Itachi is chatty, because we finally have an answer to the long-standing question: what does Itachi want with Sasuke? Poor Sasuke, if he wasn't so arrogant, his sense of self-worth would be shot with people keeping him around just for spare parts (Oro for his body, Ita for his eyes, and for his heart!)
(On a side note, ever notice that of everyone who wants his body, Sasuke runs away from the girls and towards the guys?) *ducks tomatoes*
[Big Brother]
At first, I was a little disappointed that Itachi kept Sasuke around for something petty like 'I don't want to be blind' or something cliche like 'I want immortality.' However, upon reflection, Itachi is driven by neither - Itachi has always been ambitious and struggled to escape the confines placed upon him by tradition, expectations, and his own mortal shell. He is not at heart a megalomaniac, but simply put, he just wants to be the best. Obtaining the final stage of the Mangekyou is the next step. What I find a little ironic is that he is desperately trying free himself from 'this wretched clan's destiny' by perpetuating the tradition of filial bloodshed.
I was so pleased that Itachi holds contempt for Madara. That's so...Itachi. While I accepted the idea of mentor!Madara, it didn't sit well that Itachi had stayed, and was apparently, still under him. Now we know that Madara himself was just another stepping-stone. This chapter solidified my view that Itachi does not need relationships like most, but fosters them based on how he can benefit.
[Little Brother]
Wow. I'm actually rooting for Sasuke. Not because he's a bit more sympathetic, but for the first time, his character represents hope. He didn't grow up knowing and accepting his clan's past and if he feels at all disgusted or ashamed he could take this chance to not just revive his clan, but change it. I'm not sure how to interpret his reaction to the Forth's name, but the fact that he reacting to Konoha gives me a little hope that he may realign himself with the Leaf.
If Sasuke ends up plucking out Itachi's eyes out for himself I'll be so disappointed.

-Does the transplant itself grant immortality?
Inner-Itachi only confirmed that it 'gave birth to a new eye-technique' and that having a new host gave the Mangekyou an 'inextinguishable light.' However, I read this as bypassing the side-effect of blindness. When Itachi said 'achieve true immortality' does he mean that literally or figuratively?
-Do the transplanted eyes already need to have the Mangekyou Sharingan to work?
From Itachi's words in the past and his disappointment that Sasuke doesn't have the Mangekyou would suggest that one needed the transplanted eyes to already have the Mangekyou. I'm confused because Itachi seems to want to continue the battle. Of course, that was Inner-Itachi speaking. Outer-Itachi may want to just disable his brother and walk away until next time.
-Did the Uchiha's bloody practice still occur up until the massacre?
It's only been five generations since Madara and the First Hokage, yet from Sasuke's memory it seemed as if the Uchiha had renounced that past and prized strong clan bonds. Is this another case of Sasuke's rosy selective memory, or is Itachi being overly dramatic? It's true history can be erased but if Itachi's claim that killings had been happening for decades, then at the very least Madara's bloody legacy is something that Fugaku's generation was aware of.
-Did Madara seriously just pluck his brother's eye out?
I'm going to give Sasuke-clone the benefit of the doubt and say he was under the Mangekyou's spell. Because any healthy person dumb enough to sit there and let a weak dying person dig his eyes out while he's awake deserves it.

I don't know if it was intentional, but the panel with Madara's hand and saying sorry echoed Sasuke's memory of Itachi poking his forehead and apologizing. Creepy foreshadowing.
...very creepy.
Sooooo, Crazy!Itachi wants to be immortal because he hates his clan and wants to transcend "destiny", but he's going to do it the same way Madara did, only it didn't turn out so well for Madara, but he's going to do it anyway...? Am I clear on this? So, "killing our family is bloody and wrong, and warped my fragile little mind, so I want our clan destroyed. Die, Sasuke!" WTF?
But did anyone else like Crazy!Itachi better than Sane!Itachi? (I did. 'Bout time an Uchiha did something besides lecture or angst. Bloody useless Uchiha...) Insanity, Itachi, is repeating an action over and over expecting a different result. As for the Dread Pirate, should he end up victorious, let's hope that he doesn't go after Naruto for dramatic effect. You know: "Now that I have the eyes that control the Nine Tails, I must eliminate you for the common good" or something equally annoying, like "Your! Jokes! Are Not! Funny! Eat sharingan!"
I'd throw tomatoes, Snowy, but not for the whole "Sasuke runs to the strange men who want his body" thing, but "you just mentioned him in the same sentence as the great Shikamaru" thing. Duck!
Last question: was Itachi... laughing...? Manically...? Because if he was laughing manically, after just explaining his evil plan, he. Is. Toast.
Oh, yeah, one more thing. Crazy!Itachi looks like a cheerleader. A really crazy, homicidal cheerleader. Goooooo Superfriends, YAY!
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