Naruto Chapter 350
Summary: News that Sasuke killed Orochimaru has reached Konoha. Karin tricks Suigetsu into separating from the group. She and Sasuke unlock Juugo's cell and Juugo attacks with intent to kill.
SnowyOwl Says:

Dude, he called Sasuke a softy. Sasuke straddles in an interesting place where he neither adheres to values of Fire country (by no means is he a model citizen), nor the values of the 'baddies'* (Mist and Sound for now). He doesn't seem to belong anywhere and I wonder how that affects him (or maybe he couldn't care less, being so focused on his goal.)
Karin seems a bit immature too. But then again, she's acting just like a teen would. I think I forget because they've all got super-powers, and especially because she's grouped into the 'baddies' group. Antagonists always seem more 'adult' in stories, loss of innocence and all.

Finally, in response to WitherWing's comment on Ch.347, Zabuza also had spiky teeth. And no eyebrows. And a receding hairline. I think Sui can give his senpai a run for his money.

*I call them baddies only because their values are diametrically opposed to the Leaf, our protagonists, and not because they really are all bad.
**Actually, I'm guessing the Juugo is older than all of them, so maybe it won't be cute. We'll see.
Witherwing writes:

Naruto really doesn't get it. The problem was not the fact that Orochi might take over Sasuke but that Sasuke wanted to get revenge on his brother. Well, maybe Orochimaru was Naruto's main concern from the beginning. Either way, Naru still has a lot to learn. But maybe now, Sasuke will come back (after he's brought peace to the world) and Naru will give him a shoe and they'll live happily ever after...maybe not.
The leaf ninja: I kinda liked the fact that Suigetsu called him that. Maybe there are redeeming qualities in Sasuke, like his reluctance to kill unless necessary. But I guess to be a fire ninja he is missing the most important thing. The Will of Fire. He's a wonderer right now. Maybe he'll make up his own country like Orochi did.
Wobbly sword: Couldn't Sui pull out his jumbo muscles of death for this?

Juugo: Do you suppose that Juugo has a bloodline limit? I mean, I don't think that there's any other expanation if he transforms. It's not like he had to eat the pill for it to happen.

Response: SnowyOwl, I see your point with Zabuza. I forget that he's not all that because I alway picture him with the bandages still wrapped around his face. (For obvious reasons) Still, he had one think that made him more appealing then the other water nins: the Lov-e-ly item*, Haku.
*Reference from Ouran High School Host Club
Actually, the first time I saw Me-So-Crazy Juugo screaming his oh-so-crazy head off, I thought of the ever classic Strong Bad Anime cartoon- particularly the bit about the mouth- tiny when closed, RIDICULOUSLY LARGE WHEN OPEN!!!! Yes, I have problems.
I do hope that Me-So-Crazy gives Sasuke a run for his money. Recently, the only thing that our not-so-dear Dread Pirate has actually (and completely) destroyed has been a base door. Oh. Truly, his vengeance draws nigh. Bow before the mighty Sasuke, Splinterer of Doors!
Even when he completely misses the point, Naruto is such a sweetie! He is still happy for his friends, even when they show him up (he has to be used to it by now...). But since Orochimaru isn't completely dead, I forsee much angst in them thar hills- since Orochimaru currently resides (tongue and all) in the interdimesional peanut buttery muck in Sasuke's head. Maybe he'll just beat Sasuke's head against the ground repeatedly. Of course, poor Naruto will have to beat the snot out of *Sasuke* when *Orochimaru* comes 'round again, consequently making him feel bad (unless Orochimaru is keener on self-preservation than previously demonstrated...) and/or making him wonder *who* he is actually talking to at any given moment (Kabuto.).
On Sui- eh, he was probabably secretly glad to be rid of Malibu Ninja Barbie. And it's not exactly like Sasuke is about to win Mr. Congeniality. He's probably better company all by himself. If nothing else, it would be amusing if he has to bail out the Dread Pirate. We can all point and laugh.:-D
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