Naruto Chapter 348: The Next One!
Summary: Sasuke reveal to Suigetsu that he is recruiting him, Karin, and Juugo for thier specific powers to carry out his plan. At the prison Karin oversees, news has spread that Sasuke has defeated Orochimaru and the prisoners are set free at Sasuke's orders. Karin is at first antagonistic and reluctant to go with Sasuke, but then hits on Sasuke when they are alone together and agrees to go.
Witherwing writes:
The conversation - What we find out: Sasuke has a plan. That's good. He's been formulating this plan for years. In order for this plan to work he needs people with very specific abilities (ie. only Karin will do). These abilities might have to do with Orochimaru experimenting on them. It's amazing how flippantly Suigetsu can talk about being experimented on. I do like the reference to how he hasn't used his legs in awhile.

Of course this image is shattered when she tries to hit on him. What is that about? Maybe that's her special power. To try to ... woo ... people ... -_-

The Plan - Sasuke's plan is revealed: To bring peace and safety to the whole world! Not as evil as you might think and sounds almost as lame as the Akatsuki plan. Maybe Sasuke's reformed and will only use his power for good ...maybe.
Juugo: suffers from gollumitis*
You gotta love the fact that Sasuke's straight and to the point. Check out that directness.

* Gollum, a character from Lord of the Rings, had split personality.
SnowyOwl Says:
Sasuke: 'I've been planning this since the beginning' my bum. He didn't even know the others when he decided to join Orochi. I'm still convinced his decision to defect was a half-baked, selfishly motivated idea. Now he's trying to bring peace to the world. Give me a break. Escuse me for sounding pissy, but I am. There had better be a twist to why everyone regards him so favorably, because right now the story it seems shallow and inconsistant. Wasn't he strongly associated with Big Bad Orochi? Sounds like Oro had Sasuke chained to him the way everyone took Sasuke being without the sannin as hard proof that Oro was dead.
Who's speading the rumors anyway? How can news possibly travel THAT fast? The only witness was Kabuto, but as the right-hand man, there's no advantage to spreading the news. Perhaps everyone is somehow 'marked' and had a psychic connection to Orochi that disappeared after his "death"?
Suigetsu: I'm growing to like him. Can't quite put my finger on it yet.
Karin: She annoys me already on Part I Sakura proportions. Incest is frowned upon young lady! (Well, maybe not for Uchihas, but inbreeding may well be why there are so few left and of questionable mental faculties). Something is suspicious about her - complete personality change when alone with Sasuke. Or is it the absense of fish-boy? Maybe her real secret-crush is Suigetsu, but is confused about her feelings and reacts by hitting on the popular/powerful boy like she's suppose to instead. You know how it is with young (chemically imbalanced) teens: I hate you means love.
Ah, yes, Malibu Ninja Barbie hits on the ever-brilliant Dread Pirate Sasuke the White. (He's got to stop discovering new powers, or his name will take up an entire line of text!)Who lets a fifteen year old warden a prison? Oh, yeah, a demented interdimensional snake freak. Gotcha.
The Dread Pirate Sasuke's going to... save the world? Are you kidding? There had better be a harsh and merciless overlord bit in there. But, then, he probably wants to save the world just to annoy his brother. It's hard to believe that Orochimaru's band of delinquent Scouts will help Sasuke save the world and then join him in a rousing version of "Kumbaya" while roasting marshmallows. I suppose all that's left is to wonder how many times they'll wipe the floor with Naruto before he finally takes them all down with his Blender of DEATH! Maybe they'll all ally and then turn on eachother afterwards! Oh, the possibilities...
You gotta keep in mind, that whole 'bring peace to the world' thing didn't come out of Sasuke's mouth; it came from Suigetsu's.
Even if it may 'technically' be the truth, it'll still be dealing with Akatsuki.
I can imagine Naruto hearing about this 'plan'... and laughing his head off.
As for Karin--I think perhaps she's one of those people who's attracted to perceived power--and she's been at that watch-post way, way too long. Also, she sees her attraction as a weakness and is embarrassed about it, or maybe she was trying to get close enough to kill Sasuke, either way she didn't want Suigetsu to know. I can't say I like her attitude, but I like her loads better than Part 1 Sakura.
Juugo--What can be said? He's confused, lonely, and can't decide if he's gay or not. I forsee loads of humorous situations for these four.
Hey Nibbles, Taterbird. Sorry if I wasn't clear. Yes, Sasuke himself didn't claim to bring peace to the world. Really, his goal is still to confront his brother, and if it's not inconvenient, maybe he'll undo some of Orochi's bad. What confuses me is why others, such as Suigetsu, would think so favorably of Sasuke - enough to want to spread good rumors about him. Maybe I just don't know Suigetsu enough yet to be able to interpret his words. As for Karin, I absolutely think there's something disingenuine about her 'attraction' to Sasuke.
349--Ah.. So I was mistaken about Juugo. Neat thing about the curse seal, though, I would like a few more details about how it works.
Be careful and make sure you get the translated page 17, it seems to be missing from Narutofan's files.
Lot's of folks have been complaining about the recent chapters, but you really have to keep in mind, it's like a whole new beginning, ya' know? If you think about it, Kishimoto did this in the beginning of the first arc too, building onto the world and fleshing it out.
I can't wait to see what you guys think about it.
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