Naruto Chapter 344: The Snake!
Sasuke reaveals his true colors against Orochimaru. Orochimaru reveals his true self as a creepy scaley snake. A fight ensues in which Sasuke becomes poetic and a flashback of young Orochimaru which perhaps reveals his facination with rebirth.
Witherwing writes:

Also, he seems to know that the reason that Orochimaru wanted him as a vessel was because he couldn't control Itachi. I never thought of that. Perhaps he resents the fact that he's a replacement for his brother.

The Hawk: I still can't help but think that Sasuke is still fighting on borrowed power. I mean if he uses the power that Orochimaru gave him to defeat the snake, isn't it pointless?

Note: I updated below.
SnowyOwl Says:
WitherWings, how can it be that we both are weeks behind and then you update the moment I was drafting mine? So I'm going to include my less bias/speculative summary, since I took the time to think it out. (P.S. We have a new reader!)
Summary: Sasuke belittles Orochimaru and attempts to kill him, but Orochimaru leaves his temporary body and reveals his true form, a great white snake. Sasuke activates the cursed seal and the two face off. We see a flashback of Orochimaru finding a white snake's molted skin and Sandaime informing him that it was a symbol of good fortune and rebirth.
So much psychological meat here, so please excuse the long post. And be forewarned that there's a lot of Sasuke hating in this post. I don't dislike him as an integral part of the story, but I do dislike what I saw in this chapter.
Can you say power struggle? We knew this already, but Oro and Sasuke are not nice people. So much hypocrisy, selfishness, arrogance, sarcasm, and hurtful words all to establish the power relationship, I'm suffocating here.
Orochimaru is the lesser of two evils in this chapter: he jibes at Sasuke sense of self-importance (Big words...from the leftover Uchiha), the sarcasm implying that Sasuke was the worthless one, tossed aside. This, I think is a bit of a 'who do you think you are?' defence strategy to get Sasuke to back down mentally, since Sasuke physically has the upper hand.

I find it ironic that Sasuke is using the the cursed seal to fight Orochimaru. Orochi facilitated his own demise, and Sasuke is just an ungrateful jerk. Really, he just used Orochi -- just as Orochi always meant to use Sasuke. They didn't have a healthy relationship, to say the least. Calling Orochi pathetic for experimenting on his own body...isn't that what he did when he accepted the level-two cursed seal? Hypocrite. Yes, fighting with borrowed power, not heroic or noble.
I agree that Sasuke drawns similarities between Orochi and Itachi (ooo, they're both 'two-syllable+chi's). I'm fairly certain that the 'You sicken me' line was meant for Itachi.

But enough of the heavy stuff. I had a good yuk at this:
The 'Hawks and Snakes' thing is an old parable/saying, so I guess that's why he used it. Also, those wings don't look functional, but they do work. We saw them work at the Valley of the End.
Personally, I think Sasuke is the lesser of the two evils here. I know he talked about 'the people he wants to kill', but I don't think he was talking about Naruto and Sakura. I think he was talking about Orochi and Itachi, while making Orochi think he was talking about his former team-mates.
Damn Sasuke, he's an unlikable arrogant ass, and there seems to be double meanings to everything he does. I mean, last time he saw Naruto, he practically gave him a hug, then tried to kill him. Sheesh.
Thanks for commenting, Nibbles. I wish there was direct threading for Blogger. I agree that overall Oro is the greater baddie. I was just commenting that in this chapter, Sasuke was a little more unlikable. He could have killed him without the verbal abuse. Not to say that Oro doesn't deserve it, but compared to, say, Naruto or Jiraiya (who would express regret and in their hearts still wish they could save him), Sasuke is just a jerk.
If ever I had a doubt that my career leaves me with too much time on my hands, now is that time. (Hi, nibbles!) I really have only one thing to say about this- would anyone REALLY hand over their body to a GIANT SNAKE WITH HAIR? He didn't even ask nicely. Poor Naruto. He's not even going to get to kill Orochimaru. Sauske always steals Christmas.
As far as trying to get me to feel sorry for Orochimaru, it isn't happening. They snuck up on me with Neji and Gaara, and I refuse, just refuse, to feel even slightly bad for Mr. Snake Pajamas. As for the Dread Pirate Sasuke- if he insulted people less, and tried to kill people more, he might get further in trying to halt Itachi, Kicker of Puppies and Drowner of the World's Kittens. Just a thought.
P.S- although this is wrong, as well as blantant copyright infringement on the part of Tolkien's heirs, should we all start calling the Dread Pirate Sasuke "Sasuke the White"? :-P
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