Naruto Chapter 345: Ritual!
**Updated 3-25-07**
Summary: Orochimaru draws Sasuke into an alternate dimension to start the body transfer ritual, in which Sasuke continues to battle with his Sharingan. In reality, only Sasuke remains, leaving Kabuto wondering who is in Sasuke's body.
Ok, now that that's out of my system...Was it just me, or did it seem like there is no preparation whatsoever for the soul-transfer ritual? (Hm, master could last until tomorrow, but maybe he'll kick it today. Lalala.)

I guess Orochi is one of those people who don't learn very quickly. And what are the odds that Sasuke and Itachi both use the same technique on Orochi? That should have been Oro's first clue that this will not turn out well.
Gah! Creepy! Why, why would you keep a disembodied hand Kabuto-san? Really, if you wanted to display the ring, you could use a mannequin. At least put it in a jar of preservatives or something.
I do suspect something more about the hand, though, since it was focused on twice in the same chapter. Having something of the original body (if that's what it is) does seem to be a prime ingredient for a jutsu to reconstruct the whole body. (Replace jutsu with spell, and we draw another parallel to Harry Potter's baddie. Geez.) Perhaps this backup plan is why Kabuto seemed so relaxed about the nearing deadline?
Finally, check out Kabuto's nervous face. I think I gave him too much credit as far as assuming he's always in the know and highly attuned to Orochimaru. Here, I think Kabuto's fear is less about the possibility that Oro is defeated and more about the fact that someone could actually do it.
*Reference to Spaceball (the movie).
Witherwing writes:
So sorry for the delay. I'm trying to get all caught up tonight.
The Ritual! - I don't think that there was anything to prepare for the ritual. It just happends when Orochimaru eats the other person. Or maybe he tries to make them fight him and cut off his head and then eats them. That could be a potentially complicated ceremony. And I loved how Kabuto leaves for five minutes and comes back, and the whole ritual is over with. No preparation needed so he didn't have to worry about it.
Hand-of-fate: ...Kinda. I couldn't agree more that keeping the hand is gross. I mean it's surrounded by jars of perfectly preserved snakes and worms and stuff, but they just keep the hand out in the open. I don't know if you realized that the first time they focused on the hand, Itachi totally blew it off. He literally exploded it off his body. Maybe Orochimaru wasn't doing the ritual right. He got distracted by the eyes or something. (Itachi does have pretty eyes.) So now, he is keeping the hand as a reminder of the grudge that he has against all Uchihas everywhere. And Sasuke got to witness the whole thing.

Orochi seems a little too obsessed with those eyes. I mean, couldn't he have pulled a Minority Report and found one of the several Uchihas that Itachi killed and just have done an eye transplant?
SnowyOwl Says:
You're right! I didn't realize the hand was actually blown off. And Itachi does have pretty eyes...

I do suspect something more about the hand, though, since it was focused on twice in the same chapter. Having something of the original body (if that's what it is) does seem to be a prime ingredient for a jutsu to reconstruct the whole body. (Replace jutsu with spell, and we draw another parallel to Harry Potter's baddie. Geez.) Perhaps this backup plan is why Kabuto seemed so relaxed about the nearing deadline?

*Reference to Spaceball (the movie).
Witherwing writes:
So sorry for the delay. I'm trying to get all caught up tonight.
The Ritual! - I don't think that there was anything to prepare for the ritual. It just happends when Orochimaru eats the other person. Or maybe he tries to make them fight him and cut off his head and then eats them. That could be a potentially complicated ceremony. And I loved how Kabuto leaves for five minutes and comes back, and the whole ritual is over with. No preparation needed so he didn't have to worry about it.
Hand-of-fate: ...Kinda. I couldn't agree more that keeping the hand is gross. I mean it's surrounded by jars of perfectly preserved snakes and worms and stuff, but they just keep the hand out in the open. I don't know if you realized that the first time they focused on the hand, Itachi totally blew it off. He literally exploded it off his body. Maybe Orochimaru wasn't doing the ritual right. He got distracted by the eyes or something. (Itachi does have pretty eyes.) So now, he is keeping the hand as a reminder of the grudge that he has against all Uchihas everywhere. And Sasuke got to witness the whole thing.

Orochi seems a little too obsessed with those eyes. I mean, couldn't he have pulled a Minority Report and found one of the several Uchihas that Itachi killed and just have done an eye transplant?
SnowyOwl Says:
You're right! I didn't realize the hand was actually blown off. And Itachi does have pretty eyes...
Ummm... so he turns himself into a giant hairy snake... that's his true form... but he's still going to take over the body in an...alternate dimension. So how is it HIS true form? Just one more reason to dislike Orochimaru. He clearly spent too much time with the Superfriends- his evil plans have gone downhill. Sharply.
As for the hand,you probably have to destroy the hand to destroy Orochimaru. With my vast experience in dark rituals (folklore classes count, dammit)- traditionally, things like liches and other immortally powerful formerly alive thingies have to preserve a portion of their original body. It's the way to beat them! (Yeah, kinda like Voldemort's soul. It's not an original idea.)It could be like Sasori's heart here, though, and keeps Orochimaru's power. There's also the possibility that it's just an extremely gross novelty remote control holder.
As for Kabuto- would YOU want to work for a whiny, revenge-obsessed little punk ninja without the sense to lock the door when attacking his former teacher? No wonder he looks nervous. Poor Kabuto. Of course, Orochimaru and Sasuke- they're both awfully slow on the uptake (hey, surely the Sharingan won't hurt me NOW, even though it totally wiped me out LAST time, vs. I'll use Orochimaru's own power against him! Surely he doesn't know how it works! *facepalm*).
There's a simple explanation for the hand--He needed the Akatsuki ring, but he couldn't take it off (I bet none of them can), so he cuts off the hand and keeps it under some kind of preservation jutsu tied to his life-force and 'Ta da!' you have one rapidly decaying hand upon death.
As for Orochi's repeated mistakes, he's bonkers.
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