SnowyOwl Says:Ah, the build up to the very predictable (though not unwelcomed) arrival of Team Deux ex Yamato. Though I might get my wish (I hope I don't regret it!) since Shika is still isolated and in trouble. So close! A couple of visuals:

Chouji got gi-normous! See widdle 'kashi and Ino-chan? Nice to see him finally do something. A long way since his humble Meat Tank just a few years ago.

This. Is gross. What do you think those black tendrils are really like? When I visualize it, it's slimy and make slurping sounds. Man, they have to kill him at
least 3 more times if not more. How ironic would it be if one of their hearts were stolen and the others had to destroy the heart of a team mate?
Dyyynamic Entry! Oh man, I nearly cried laughing. Don't get me wrong, I
*heart* Team Yamato, but the dramatic super-zooms were all on the wrong places. Instead of the hand on the hilt, the intense eyes, the gritted teeth, we've got Yamato's back. Don't tell me the most distinguishing feature of Yamato is his vest, or Sakura her bottocks for that matter. Hmmm, but Sai wielding his Abs of Steel? Dead on.
Finally: What's with the narrator? When did they become Konoha's most reliable team? As I recall, the only mission they were assigned to was a total bust (ignoring mission after the Friendship "painting" - we didn't see it; it could have been aborted or something!). Though, Narrator-san can never top: They Look Up with PASSION! He Looks Down with SERENITY!*
I will say I'm impressed that Naruto completed his jutsu and is combining it with Yamato to create that awesome Maelstrom. A more immature Naruto would have just attacked on his own to try out his new super-move. I'm eager to see how the 7 of them will work together to beat scarecrow-guy. Juxtaposed with Shika battling for his life and Asuma's memory by his lonesome, it's gonna be great!
*circa chapter 306
Whitherwing writes:
I've been having problems with blogger and now that I kinda have it worked out, I'm too tired to add to this post. But since Snowyowl did a pretty good job with this chapter, I'm okay with not really adding more. Just one thought:
Abs, Butt, Hair. 'Nuff said.
And the fact that that aggravating NotItachi'sPartner is STILL standing is the reason I doubted that the blood capsule thingy was going to work as hoped (note: I didn't say that it failed to work as planned. I just figured that you'd need a bigger scythe to get that irritating heart-stealer's other "liberated" organs. Also, this is a great plot steal from Invader Zim. Which is not an anime. :-D). But I'm so happy! Naruto didn't make the groundskeepers cry for nothing! He's learned how to make a giant swirly ball of windy death! And even the Best Hokage Ever or the Ever Awesome Kakashi couldn't do that! On a Chouji aside, I admire his laconic thought processes. When the Immortal Squid attacks, Ino thinks something useless like: "Oh no! He'll mess up my hair!" and Kakashi thinks something like: "Too fast!" and Chouji thinks "Crap." I love Chouji.
I saw the ab-tastic Sai picture and giggled thinking of you girlies. Maybe if the whole "I wanna be in the ANBU'S Deadly Art Division" thing doesn't pan out he can sell sit-up videos. I did think that the close up of Sakura's fanny pack was better than seeing her cry, yet again. I was hoping that it was her water element, though. Then all those years training it ("Look! I can make my water element technique pour out of my eyes in drop form!") would be helpful. Still, that last bit, the Rasengan + Watery Doom is the reason I keep re-reading this chapter. That and when Shikamaru explains to Malfoy that Malfoy is an utter idiot. He's been HAD! Of course, Malfoy responding with "Only an idiot couldn't figure out your jutsu", made me want to point out to a fictional character that knowing how it works and avoiding it are two different things. Ask Temari. Hope there are some convenient holes around.
As for that narrator, he highlights the series for me. It's like they got Gai to be the narrator, and everything's gonna be great, with some kind of creepy youth power! (On second thought, I don't think Gai's mastered words like "serenity". It's probably a swear word to him. Maybe he got Neji to help. :-D) That and it's so soap opera-y. I imagine dramatic music and I lose it again. (heheheheheheheheheee) If any of them die, I will be furious (well, maybe I won't be too angry if they kill Ino off...) but I'll be particularly angry if Shikamaru doesn't get to kill off a SuperFriend on his own. He's got to do better than Sakura!
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