Naruto Manga 336: Reverse Predicament
Witherwing writes:
Oh my gosh! Soooo gen-nee-us! I so didn't see this coming. That means that Kakashi was right there with Shikamaru since the very first attack. Just as expected for Kanoha's Copy Ninja. Does this mean that they don't have to kill the other four people? Or that Sewing-body-part's guy is just going to be in a lot of pain?
How did Shikamaru set up the clearing of exploding tags of no escape? Do you think he made Hidan help? I also really loved this:

It was just what I was thinking. Now I'm just waiting for Ino and Chouji to do something useful. And for Hidan to realize that he made a boo-boo.
And once again, I gotta say I love this face. Only now it's not only serious, it's a look of pure hatred...

Updated below
SnowyOwl Says 1.9.2007:
Hidan is sooo dead! ::wishful thinking:: Le sigh. I have a feeling Shika's going to have a few more setbacks. He may be a genius (who else could set up Exploding Net of DOOM so quickly?), but not really strong in body, endurance, or in luck (Exploding Net of DOOM = ineffective). Please, Kishimoto! Even if Shika's going to take some damage, let him have this one himself and not have others rescue him. Let him be a little selfish and impractical for once.

Why do these characters talk so much? You're a ninja! Oh, let me explain to you exactly what that last technique was. Oh, let me confirm your theory that you so conveniently voiced out loud. Oh, let me correct you, I'm totally not immortal, you could kill me if you really wanted. They all suffer from an inflated ego if you ask me. That said...Ack! I hope the vile contained the original heart's blood and Hidan totally keeled his teammate.

I *hope* Malfoy had to help set up his own 'splodey doom. I just love poetic justice. Doesn't happen much. But Malfoy has it coming, if for no other reason than his superpower is STUPID. He stabs himself? I can do that, and I'm not a scary ninja. He must have been in the character coffee room when powers were being handed out. I thought it was a cheap shot from day one. At least, day one for Malfoy. I'll really hate it if he gets away.
As for poor Kakashi, I'm not sure what blood has to do exactly with beating up NotItachi'sPartner, but I do hope it works. Of course, I *don't* hope it works before Naruto the Deus Ex Machina shows up. Otherwise, Naruto made a giant crater (again) for nothing.
On a personal note: SnowyOwl, can't post reviews for your fanfic on the net without joining the cult, but I thought you'd be interested in knowing this about the term "kairos" if you didn't already. Kairos is also the word used to describe real time, pure numbers, with no measurement, othwerise known as non-linear time. Cool, huh? :-D It's pretty!
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