Naruto Chapter 359: Those Eyes...
Summary: Deidara is reminded of the first time he met Itachi and was defeated with the Sharingan while fighting with Sasuke. Indignant, Deidara prepares to attack Sasuke with the C4 explosive.
SnowyOwl Says:
Quick note: As expected, there was a good turn out of Naruto cosplayers at AX this year. Didn't look like the guy that came as a very convincing Obito last year reprised his role, but there was a disproportion of Akatsuki, probably due to all the awesome Akatsuki action this past year. Oh, and there was a Suigetsu. I love Suigetsu!
*ahem* Ok, so we got some Deidara insight after all! And he's got Itachi-issues too. Dang it, Itachi! quit screwing with everyone. Dei is definitely going to let his latent feelings of inferiority push him to act rashly. Like eating clay. I'd throw up too if I ate clay.
I take back my comment about Kishimoto making Deidara's art pieces ugly. After some reflection, Deidara's art probably isn't that great. He just thinks it is. He's high on his own ideals of art (I found it amusing that the other Akatsuki called out how Deidara talks a lot) and anything that shakes it is unbearable to his pride. Still, I can't help but be a little sad that Deidara could have avoided this whole Akatsuki mess if the big boss didn't want to recruit him. And it makes me wonder what did the boss really see in Deidara; was it just that he could animate explosives? Or is there more?
(Deidara please don't die.)
Witherwing writes:
'Those eyes' indeed. So we see now that the true motivation that Deidara has for gunning for Sasuke is to get revenge for losing to Itachi. I guess he's using this as warm up for the bigger version.
Now well get to see if Sasuke's creepy wing will grow back next time. And what's with the snakes that come out of his body? Is that something he could do before he ate Orochimaru or after?
Oh Deidara and his art. He's so happy with it, but it makes me question his sanity. He's like some mad scientist:
'Behold, aren't you impressed?' Um... Dei-kun it's an ugly spider...
Oh Sasuke better watch out. Deidara's pulling out the big guns with the up-chuck attack!
(I don't think he can die until he gets reunited with his long lost sister, Ino.)

*art by sasorisama