Naruto Chapter 347: Diversion
Summary: There is some tension between Suigetsu and Sasuke, but Suigetsu acknowledges Sasuke's strength and agrees to go with Sasuke. They detour to Wave country so Suigetsu could take Zabuza's sword from the grave. In Konoha, Konohamaru shows off a perverted bunshin-henge and Sakura embarrassingly exposes herself to be dirty-minded.
SnowyOwl Says:
This chapter is Love.
A new beginning: So the action with Orochimaru was just a transition (That's what you are, Orochi, just a transition point!). Looks like the real arc will focus on Sasuke gathering his band of baddies and then doing ... whatever. I'm surprised that Sasuke's teaming up with others ... I've always pegged him as a solitary guy, but maybe he'll do it as long as he's in charge and the others aren't holding him back (he's hand-picking them afterall).
Pssst. Is it just me? Or does Suigetsu pass for Sakura?
Two thoughts: 1) rebuilding his team indeed... and 2) Sakura ... is just not pretty in her civilian outfit.
Remembering the past: The Great Naruto Bridge! I enjoy references to the past, it really grounds and fleshes out the created universe. It's promising that Sasuke reacts with ... not something in the anger spectrum ... when Suigetsu assumes Sasuke was responsible for beating Zabuza. He knows the credit goes ultimately to Naruto and he's not bitter, which, by extension, make me think he has come to truely acknowledge Naruto.
So Suigetsu is from Wave country, like Zabuza and Kisame, the large-sword wielders. With those teeth, I wonder if he isn't related to Kisame (Oh! Big brothers and little brothers are partners!)
And a ton of laughs: Can you say fan service?

I do want to share my laughing-til-me-sides-hurt joy of Sai's reactions:

Sai's scandalized face:

The Recruitment- I'm just so surprised at Sasuke's actions. First he chooses to recruit teammates to help him do what ever. Then he chooses someone his age. Are there no other stong old people around? I'm also so boggled by their interaction. They speak like good aquaintences, if not friends. They joke, and Sasuke even goes out of his way to get Zabuza's sword for Water-kun. Not to mention, they have an entire conversation while he's naked!

Poor Kakashi. (insert Kakashi picture)

Of the three mist folk that we've met, I think that Zabuza is the best looking. The Sakura look just isn't working for me. And the teeth... (insert teeth)
Enter...another girl. (insert butt picture)

SnowyOwl Says: Pictures inserted! And I thought the same thing about the finger-of-death. Looks kinda lame on the surface, but if water-kun pulls a T-2000 and spears Sasu-kun through the head, well, I'd like to see the Sharingan illusion him out of that! But yeah, they seem like comrades ... at least Suigetsu thinks they're chummy.