Summary: The denizens of Konoha are beginning to realize the village is under attack. Tsunade decides Naruto should be called back from training. (Read 420
Serenphoria Says:
Yay color pages! Yay ensemble battles! Yay Kakashi!
The first third of the chapter alone exhausted my emotional range:

First: Whoa cool! Iruka in a battle situation since chapter 1!
Then: Fool! 'I won't tell you anything?' Then just sitting there in front of an Akatsuki waiting for your purposeless demise?
Simultaneously: Wah! Iruka noooo!
Then: OMG squee! Kakashi yay! You are still so bad@ss and awesome.
Immediately followed by: Oh no...the crazyfans are going to use this as evidence of KakaIru. No offense if you're a fan, but I'm made a conscience decision to ignore all shippy discussions about this scene outside of this blog (and only if you write intelligently and cogently. Thanks.)
>if no one we care about dies when attacked by a pack of despotic demi-gods it'll feel like a cop-out and an insult to Jiraiya.<
I take it back! Kakashi don't die! Here, take Iruka. This is going to be like the Immortals fight all over again. I don't think my heart can take it.

Again, I am wondering about Tsunade's ability to lead. First, for someone who can see the attacks from her window, she didn't seem to have noticed until chuunins told her. Then, probably knowing Akatsuki is looking for Naruto, she calls him back. To battle. In the village. Being responsible for the welfare of the village, it feels a tad irresponsible.

On a completely random sidenote, I'm wondering why if looking into one's mind is represented by graphical abstractions, why the thing they are looking for is in the very literal representation of a brain.