Naruto Manga 330: The Sad Message!
**Note: Updated**
Snowyowl Says:
First off...Gwah! Kishimoto made Shika a smoker! Noooooes! ::pouts::
That said...I had a good yuk at Naruto's reaction to Kakashi. It only took 317 chapters to earn Kakashi's respect and the moment he does, Naruto takes it the wrong way. Who's mind is in the gutter, Naru-kun?
Why is Kuranai so unattractive? And what was Asuma's message? Yes, I am the father of your unborn child. The children is the 'king' maybe? I know I'm being unreasonably mean, but for some reason she rubs me the wrong way.

Did you see Kakashi's sad, regretful face (well, you know he made one). He lost another friend. And I'm pretty sure Asuma was one of Kakashi's closer ones too. Poor Kashi. I feel worse for him then anyone else (well, maybe Shika).
This was the turning point. Shika's hardened and serious now. No more half-@ssing everything. How much time has passed while he was doing all that mourning/thinking/training/studying? Because if the story continues linearly from there, we just lost a lot of time in the small window in which they could save Sasuke.
Um...they have standard-issue funeral outfits? That's weird. And they're ugly. What's with the Leafy obsession with ridiculously huge collars?
Witherwing writes:
Just wanted to apologize for the delay in posting. School was kicking my butt. I also posted on chapter 329 too.
Shika: I'm so sad that he's decided to take up smoking. I though that it might have been a one time thing or he could carry the lighter as a momento but nope. Now he'll get lung cancer and lathargic and addicted and looking like Hayate. On the bright side, his cigarette smoke can make cloud shapes for him. Kinda mourning the loss of lazy, indifferent Shikamaru. He was just forced to grow up. It was so sad, he pulled a Magneto with the lonely shogi playing. Except, you know, Magneto played chess. I don't doubt that he'd make a good Hokage he sure has the heart for it. I just wonder if the has the physical strength.
He was trying to use the blades. I forget, is he a wind user?
Poor Kakashi. I saw his sad face. Cut him a break, man.

On a lighter note: Naruto's training. So funny. I love Kakashi and Naruto's reaction. I don't know why it took him so long to figure it out. Granted, I probably wouldn't have, but using the bunshins is basically the same thing that he did for the rasengan. But it just might take too long and not be very effective in a fight if he has to call out his clones to make his ball of fast moving wind.
Question answered: Asuma is Konohamaru's uncle. Whew!
Maybe now that Kurenai is angered she'll go and do something. But then again, now she might do something irrational. Why wasn't she part of the brigade?
Smoking can be so very bad for you (flips healthy Cali-style hair.). Ew. It's such a gross habit. I also cracked up at the Naruto/ Kakashi joke, but actually, I laughed because Kakashi FINALLY really likes his student (I'm sure he liked him before, he can't help it. It's Naruto's superpower.) only because Naruto can do something that he, and the Best Hokage Ever couldn't do.
As for Kurenai's unattractiveness- give a cartoon a break! She just lost the love her life and the only reliable source of presents on Valentine's Day. I'd look pretty bad too. I get grumpy without my chocolate fix. But I don't think that Shikamaru did all that much intensive training (after all, he's Bobby Fisher, like, cubed.) He doesn't fight harder, he fights smarter. That's why we like him! But anyway, it's not really Shikamaru's job to rescue the Dread Pirate Sasuke. Besides, if they just wait around long enough, Itachi, Kicker of Puppies and Drowner of Kittens, will find them, and, logically, so will Sasuke. It's that whole fight smarter thing. Although, if the Dread Pirate Sasuke had even half a brain, he would have followed Naruto around, since after all, his brother's bound to come heading Naruto-way. Apparently common sense is not required for ninja.
yeah..too bad Shika starts smoking...well it kinda fleshes out his character a bit in a way. From what i can tell hes not gonna be the infamously lazy ninja genuis anymore, he'd probably train hard to avenge asuma sensei...nah that didnt sound right. Too cliched. :P anyway i have a feling Shika's more impress us with some more kickassnes. As for Kurenai well...she was never a major character to begin with, and besides she probably realy loved asuma. Well just my two cents. :) Oh yeah I really like this blog, keep up the good work!!I'll be checking for updates everytime a new chapter comes out ^^
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