Thursday, November 09, 2006

Naruto Manga 329: That Goal?!!

Snowyowl Says:

Can we all have a quiet moment for Asuma-taichou? As much as I enjoy seeing Naruto again, I feel like we haven't been given enough time to mourn. Ah, but the world goes on, sometimes ignorant of tragedy. So onward...

Of Training:

You can't imagine how amused I was when the Naruto's yelled 'There's one that's going Kyuubi!' Heehee, I'm grinning just thinking about it. Even though it makes complete sense, I've never really understood that Kyuubi splits itself between the bunshin. Does that mean that given enough clones, the Kyuubi will be weak enough to die if the orginal is killed (since there's no original body for the split chakra in the return to?). Hm. Something to ponder.

Ah, and how awesome was the exchange between sensei and student? Naruto was all frustrated and feeling hopeless - and Kakashi was all inspirational when he wasn't even trying - and Naruto was all -lightbulb- in his occasional flash of brilliance. Let's see what he comes up with.

Of Baddies with Really Lame Diabolical Plans:

Um...yeah. Was anyone else disappointed with the shadow leader's plot? I mean, it started out pretty good, it was relatively interesting even, a band of baddies leveraging their ridiculously scary talent for material want, political manipulation to incite perpetual war. For a sadistic need for fear, hate; to saturate the human experience with darkness? I wish. No, they just want to take over the world. Does every big boss have to be a megalomaniac? Tolkien was right: evil has no originality.

I don't think the other members even knew what they signed up for. I wonder how Itachi react. (I went postal on my clan for this? huh.) Maybe he's taking advantage of his idiot leader to reach a much more diabolical end (or some deep, uncomprehensible, sociopathic end). Better yet, somehow this helps Kabuto win in the end. Yeah.

Witherwing writes:

On training - Yeah the kyuubi thing does make you wonder. I always thought that the fox was in the original Naruto and the clones are just for show. But if the original Naruto dies, then all the clones will disappear. I don't think that Kyuubi will transfer to another vessel, so that doesn't really make sence to me.

Note: Gotta love Kakashi.

Diabolical plan?

I must agree that I too was diappointed in the not-so-evil plan. It was like a group of highly powerful ninjas got together and just wanted to be evil. Then they realized that they didn't have and evil plan so opted to "take over the world!" But what are they going to do tomorrow night, Brain?
I must say though that leader of the pack has some crazy eyes. Don't you think that his shadow outline is very Yondaime like?

SnowyOwl Says:

Here's my contribution to WitherWing's Yondy comment:

Yondy as Akatsuki leader would be unlikely, but a great twist. The comic isn't mine, I just found it somewhere. If you know who's it is, let me know so it gets proper credit.


At November 13, 2006 12:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First and foremost. That. Plan. Is. So. Stupid. I knew, of course, that the Superfriends were a world domination type group. I did, however, think that it might somehow involve ancient rituals to bring about a second coming of horrible, screamy, doomy darkness. At the very least, I thought they might try to possess themselves with the tailed creatures. But no. They could even skip the money part. After all, they are hunting down the tailies for free. They could also cause war for free. In fact, I'm still holding out for all of them going for wholesale slaughter (a complete burnination!).
On a slightly different note- I wanted to kick Kakashi for his little duplication trick. He may be my favorite character, but that was totally a kickworthy thing to do. Especially in the rain. Somehow the rain just made it worse. Shame. :-D


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