Naruto Manga 320: Prized Bounty
Witherwing writes:
Late post. So on first look I didn't think that there was much to comment on this chapter but upon a second, closer reading, there are some things to ponder about.

I believe that Team Asuma is at the monk-y temple,
so what's with the desk-like structures?
You know what? On second thought I think they all might be coffins. Heh. ^_^!
The birds that Izumo sends as carrier pidgeons, is that a note sending jutsu? or did they just happen to have birds that they carry around in case the occasion arises to use them? (I must also add that Shikamaru is Awesome.)

The old monk says that the sash on Asuma is from being a prized bounty of the 12 gaurds. Is that right? Or is there another diffinition of Bounty that I'm not aware of? Asuma got the hanky after getting a lot of money placed on his head? Hmm... I also enjoyed Asuma's bragging rights about being worth a lot.
Poor Yamato must be exhausted. He doesn't get to rest unless Naruto does but Naruto keeps on

Last note: I enjoyed the fact that the bounty station is really in the Chamber of Secrets. Who knew? And just wondering if Chiriku was dead. For some reason I thought he wasn't.
SnowyOwl says:
Sorry for the late post. WitherWings and I were in the same location and neither of us could put up a post. Meh.
Yeah, so this chapter seemed unremarkable (literally, I had no remarks after I read it) bit literary analysis is all about reading what's not there, so there MUST be something revealed here that will be significant in the future.
The Hanky: I think something is lost in translation, because its moronic to wear something to mark one as having a bounty on thier head. It's like having a huge neon sign pointing at your head reading 'Kill me, I'll make you rich!' We've never really seen Asuma in action. I think all this build up of how great he is is setting us up with one Asuma fight sequence soon.
The New-Hires: Oh please let them be spies or something undercover, because they were much too moronic in a Laurel and Hardy kind of way. And if they're there just for comedic effect, why, Kishimoto? Why!?
Jounin at the Ramen Stand: Did anyone else catch Kakashi ask about 'cute' Ayame? What's this? A social connection outside of ninja-dom? Or maybe the new-hires were just that intolerable. And Yamato's distain for ramen. It could be an insight into a hoity-toity attitude (only fine foods for me please, I'm mutant royalty) or it could be an aversion developed by something more tramatic in his past (I vote for this reading, even though it's more unlikely because I like angst. ANGST!)

Bounty Station: Was it just me, or did the keeper of the Chamber of Secrets look like an alien in a human's skin (ala Egger in MIB). It's the eyes man. Creepy.
Responses to WitherWing:
-Birds: summoning jutsu
-Shikamaru: He didn't do or say much this chapter to warrent such a strong he's Awesome statement, but I think we both agree that he just is.
-Naruto: No sleep + over-exertion = bags under eyes.
-Chiriku: Door nail.
Oh, I think it's really sweet that Kakashi was all concerned and scared that Naruto might be hurt. He does care!
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