Naruto Manga 319: The Source of the Commotion
Witherwing writes:
Woot! New chapter.
Questions: What's with Asuma and Kuranai? Hm....
What is Sakura crying about now? Random
Training: So if Kakashi said that making more clones is usless, why did he ask Yamato to make uber-fall so Naruto could make more clones? Poor Yamato, he must be so tired just trying to control Naruto and then with the jumbo-fall. Where does all that water come from? I loved the gasping and wheezing.
I wonder if Kakashi mentioned Sasuke on purpose cause he knows it will work. I like how Sasuke is still Naruto's motivation for hard work. Now more then ever.
That's all for now.
SnowyOwl Says:
This...was a very random chapter. It didn't feel like it went anywhere and left a...strange after tastes. Flavorless.
Anyway, Asuma and Kuranai? You just KNOW it's one of those relationships-but-not because ninja's can't have relationships kind of thing. Ah yes, the look of goodbye from afar. I feel some regret coming in the future.

I would like to point out though, the wetness of Naruto. Heh.
And now Yamato's getting ridiculous. Are you telling me he can chakra-suppress all day and still made a Gi-normous waterfall? With water that comes from nowhere and goes nowhere (It must be genjutsu and Naruto hasn't noticed). I don't care if he's all panty after he's done, this guy is changing the landscape on Gaara-like proportions. And he's not a jiinchuriki...right?
You and your sister amuse me with your website thingy, you should keep it up. Solely to amuse me! HAH! At any rate, as far as Naruto goes, you're right. Naruto takes adversity and learns to slice things into watery bits. Sakura cries. Unless her natural element happens to be salt water, and she plans to drown her opponents in tears before annoying them to death, she's not exactly helpful. Hopefully Sai is shopping for mission-issue T-shirts and jeans. I hear they have a great sale at the Gap. Perhaps someone could mention it to their creator? You can't go wrong with all-cotton.
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