Summary: Having learned Naruto's location, Pain decimates Konoha with a bomb-like blast. (Read 429
Serenphoria Says:I'm still in shock.
I was wholly unprepared for the blast - even though in retrospect retreating with a final blow was a very badguy-y thing to do. It just...whoa. Is Kishimoto over-stepping the rules of the Naruto-verse by allowing anyone that level of power? Even the tailed-beasts weren't that destructive. Or has Pain really reached demi-god status and it wasn't all just talk?
Plot-wise, perhaps that technique will wear out the Pains enough to give Naruto a fighting chance to survive, because I really don't see him outsmarting the collective Pains nor being successful even with his Tenacity Attack. The most likely scenario is that his Tenacity Attack will give the others time to find the real Pain.
And Oh My God, Sakura, don't you dare give up before you even try to save Kakashi! Go sic that giant magic slug on him! ... It was touching that she'd call out for Naruto (what a 360 for her character!), though I don't know what he could possibly do to make things better).
I'm starting to get seriously freaked. It feels like the dark before the dawn in a story...the protagonists are at their lowest low, digging up corpses from the rubble of their home, turn their grief and anger into righteous determination and regroups to take the battle to the enemy. Only, where does Danzou fit in? Reintroducing him in the fray has a purpose. How can he carry the story after the current Big Bad? I can postulate a few scenarios how he could be integrated into the story, but he's definitely an interesting loose end.
And what will Sasuke do when he arrives and finds Konoha already destroyed? (Curses! Foiled again!) Will seeing the consequence of a like-minded person's wish (You all don't understand pain until I deal it!) cause him to reflect? Will he have some life-changing epiphany and finally think of someone besides himself? If he does and tries to redeem himself, will anyone care enough to notice?
So many questions and moving parts and I really don't know how this is all going to shake out.
*mimble wimble*