Saturday, December 01, 2007

Naruto Chapter 379: Jiraiya's Decision

Summary: Jiraiya capture Pain and his clones and kills the three Pains. In reality, Pain evaded death and summons six 'Pains' (including the ones Jiraiya believed he killed). Jiraiya has an epiphany about the truth about Pain.

SnowyOwl Says:

It wasn't hard to guess that Pain hadn't actually died - he and/or Jiraiya had not explained/had a flashback about the nature of his existence yet! Death by giant stone kunai is too unspectacular for Pain.

There were a few panels I found interesting to look at: I really liked confused!Pain and Pains-in-block-of-Jello. The big warrior frogs were a treat too; I hadn't seen that level of detail in a while and echoes patterns from Nibi (Two-Tails) and Sai's paintings.

And OMG did Jiraiya just lose an arm? I think that just sealed his fate: I highly doubt that Kishimoto is going to let a one-armed ninja to exist in his world. What is he going to do? Go home to Tsunade and have her fix it? Or get her sympathy and retire? Six Pains against a one-armed man and two bickering frogs - this does not bode well. All I can hope for is that Jiraiya leaves a message, or a curse, or a lesson that affects Pain (even if he won't admit it) and moves the plot along.

Here's hoping...

Witherwing Writes:

Sorry for being dead the last 2 months but finals are rolling around again. I promise to do better in January. If you're interested I added my two cent's into the chapters below. Well more like one cent. It's not that much.

Man, that narrator again on the fist pannel. Because of that, you new that Jiraiya didn't win. He didn't get to ask 'what are you.'

I was having fun pulling a few Star Wars parallels. First there was the fact that Pein is Anakin and Jiraiya is Qi Gon. He thinks his pupil will bring balance to the force and his will, only on the side of EVIL! Then Jiraiya got his arm chopped of and I was like no way! Of course Qi Gon didn't get his arm chopped off but a lot of other people did.

All that fighting and pulling out the best moves and nothing happend. Pein doesn't even have a flesh wound. I'm just waiting for Tsunade to come to his rescue or better yet...Itachi. Okay, so I have no proof for that remark put what a plot twist, huh.


At December 03, 2007 4:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chapter 380 gives the 'killing two sensei in the same chapter' theory more credence--'cause (Dun Dun DUN!) there's Tobito!

...but he's also starting a bunch of other fights too, so maybe not all in the same chapter...

If ya' think about it, Naruto had it pretty good at the beginning of this arc--too good really. Kishi is going to have make all that go to pot.

At December 03, 2007 4:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOo! I just had another idea!

It's too early in the game for Tobito to lose his life--so we know that's not going to happen. (Sorry!) But if he does kill Kakashi, Naruto is going to go Kyubbi, just who is going to calm him down?

Perhaps Hinata?

At December 07, 2007 2:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not even Hinata can appease the loss of Kakashi. Where would the dealers sell their weed? Think of Konoha's economy. The ECONOMY!!!

Yeah, Jiraya's got "I'm Toast" written on his shirt. In Toad. But maybe he can stick it out, even for a little bit. Remember, Kishimoto let Orochimaru live with two purple arms and a massive Drama Queen Complex until Sasuke came along with an even bigger board with an even bigger nail.

You know, I'm oddly defensive of Tobito too? He could be a ruthless baby-killer and kitten-drowner, and I'd still kinda want him to live. (But not if he's a puppy-kicker. A girl's gotta draw the line somewhere.) Weirdly enough, though, I just can't wait until Itachi gets it. Put Jiraya's epic struggle for his life on the back burner, and let's see both the Uchiha get what's coming to them! (Since you ask, nothing less than a horrible apocalypse raining down on their overly angsty pretty little heads will make me happy. Prefferably by a combined effort from Naruto and Sakura, who will finally be allowed to say: "You know what? Shove it, Sasuke. Eat knuckle sandwich, Log Boy.")

At December 07, 2007 9:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kishi seems like such a Uchiha fanboy--but I don't think he's particularly fond of the Uchiha's themselves... More like he's a Sharingan fan-boy--like he made this toy and he's really proud of it. Once Itachi (or Tobito) reveal the true nature of the eyes, the Uchiha's will be fair game to Death.

Also,I think those eyes are cursed.

At December 08, 2007 7:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh... Kishi went back to Jiraiya for chapter 381, I wasn't expecting him to do that.


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