Naruto Chapter 374: Growing into a God
Summary: Pain sees himself as a God of peace and reveals his plan to end all wars by creating a forbidden jutsu using the tailed beast that could destroy whole countries in seconds and thus create a world of pain and fear in the survivors. Jiraiya and Pain call out their summons and prepare to battle. (Read 374 here)
SnowyOwl Says:
Jiraiya was right: Pain is a comedian. Notable Quotables:
...since you're going to die, I can tell you my plans.
...but I, living in an infinite universe of pain...
I am a God of Peace, after all.
I can not believe he pulled the 'since you're going to die, I can tell you my plans' line. Pain obviously hasn't crossed off item #7 from his to-do list. Man, can that guy head-trip or what? I'm also a little disappointed that Kishimoto is drawing parallels to the atom bomb so blatantly. While I understand the theme is extremely important to the Japanese, it feels flat and least implement horrific destruction in a more creative way that consistent with the Narutoverse and not just settle for the mushroom cloud. The real-world reminder completely pulled me out of the story and I think takes away from the message that Kishi is trying to present.
That said, at least Pain's "real" plan is a little less lame than "Then, we'll take over the world!" I'm intrigued as to why he's taken up Yahiko's philosophy. Either a) Pain came to that conclusion himself b) When Yahiko died he took on the mission of his fallen comrade, or c) Pain = Nagato + Yahiko! I wouldn't be surprised at all if "he's been dead for a long time" is meant in the "Vader killed your father" way.

Witherwing writes:
I Live! Yes, contrary to popular belief, I'm not dead. Take a moment to gather yourselves. Much thanks to Snowyowl for working hard.
Oh Pein, Of course he has to start monologuing. It's the protocol for all baddies. I'm getting a Folken (escaflowne) vibe from him. He's trying to start the war to end all wars. Redirecting fate! But what I don't get is how Tobito fits into all this. Is he the mastermind behind this plan. It doesn't really seem like he's pulling the string behind Pein because Pein seems to be pretty self-motivated.
Oh and do we think he can summon powers from the tailed-animals. Notice: the lobster thing looks a lot like the three tail. But notice: The iguana thing looks really gross. What's with it's tail?!
I second the Jiraiya comment. I sure hope he doesn't meet his death by Pein (heheh, bad pun intended). But all signs lead to the Rome. I mean, he set his affairs in order. Finished training Naruto, met up with old students. Maybe he'll pull out a yellow crayon* story and talk Pein back into humanity. Here's hoping.
*Reference to Buffy the Vampire Slayer
You know, Jiraya hasn't seen the "What To Do If You're a Hero" list, either. Not that he'll make it out alive easily, anyway. He's a.) a hermit, b.) a mentor, and c.) he's got super-techniques that he has yet to hand down. Heaven help him if Rain City is on a mountain. I hope that hairball scroll he threw up was actually a last will and testament, because according to the rules of the Cliche, he. Is. So. Freakin'. DOOMED. I hope he taught Naruto to shoot the villain when he's hanging off a cliff by three fingers. But I doubt it.
On the plus side, while Nagato can't keep from monologing, and I'm pretty sure that his Legions of Doom do NOT have clear helmets + visors, at least his plan has evolved. Still, I'm feeling like quoting Pinky at the screen while reading this. Am I pondering what Pein is pondering? I think so, Pein, but where are we going to find an open tattoo parlor at this time of night?
Hopefully, when Naruto runs across the villain after Jiraya is so much Toad Toast, he'll remember that he should "If one of the bad guys manages to kill my mentor, I am clearly not prepared to immediately avenge him; I will retreat and develop my skills." (Yeah, there's a hero list, too.)
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