Naruto Chapter 363: Sasuke's Death
***Updated 8-7-07***
Summary: All parties noticed the huge explosion caused by Deidara. Zetsu report to the Akatsuki that Deidara (and probably Tobi) died with Sasuke. In reality, Sasuke summoned and hid in Manda, Orochimaru's snake, and escaped into the summon's dimension before regrouping with Team Hebi (Manda died in the process). Meanwhile, an unidentified character charges the Akatsuki leader, Pein, with the task of capturing the Nine-Tails.
SnowyOwl Says: Lots to say for this chapter. You can all thank Candalabra for reminding me to update! :)
[They call him genius for a reason] - I gotta hand it to Sasuke this time. Escaping into the summon's dimension to escape nuclear-bomb-sized explosion was clever. But 1) if he was at his limit, where did he find the chakra needed to summon?, and 2) why Manda? I mean, that's overkill. Only Naruto can accidentally summon a creature that big. There must have been a bigger-than-human but more-chakra-efficient snake he could have summoned (unless unlike the toad family, contracts with a snake didn't extend to other snakes?). Anyway, this puts a serious damper on my theory that there would be an epic next-generation sannin battle between the former Team Seven. Maybe Sasuke can find an even bigger snake before then, but it just wouldn't be the same. Maybe Kabuto can fuse with it and bring it back from the dead ::shudders::

[Anti-Sakura is still Sakura] - I thought it was amusing that Karin the Sakura stand-in has the inverse personality as young!Sakura. Whereas Inner Sakura was brash and Outer Sakura was more shy with Sasuke, Karin is shy internally and brash outwardly with Sasuke. Inverse or not, because she reminds me of old SasukeFanGirlUseless!Sakura, Karin bugs me. Maybe unfairly so, but she does.
[Deception in the dark and the Shadow King] - Intrigue amongst the Akatsuki! I'm very surprised to meet someone in a position to order the leader of the Akatsuki around and there seems to be even more conspiracy surrounding Sasuke than originally thought. There's obviously an ulterior motive if Pein lied about Sasuke's survival to the others. Perhaps to prevent anyone*coughitachicough* from intervening? Ooo! What is that master plan? How is Sasuke and the capture of Kyuubi related (if at all)? I have a tingling feeling that the new Shadow King may be someone we already know...

Witherwing writes:
Gomen, gomen for the late update once again.
Man, talk about your misleading titles. For a moment I thought it was true because, well, he blew up and then there's the title, and the people saying he's dead. I mean, after Orochimaru died in two seconds nothing will surprise me anymore.
[The genius of Sasuke] Maybe Sasuke wasn't at his limit. Deidara only assumed that he was because he was having trouble standing. Maybe it was a physical limit but not a chakra limit.
How did Suigetsu have the scroll for summoning? Did Sasuke tell him that if the snake fades after it feels like he is dead, summon the giant snake? What would have happened if he wasn't summoned back? He would have been digested by Manda.
Gotta love Suigetsu's one-liners (page 13) 'Ah, he died.'
I'm sad to say that I agree with Karin, even injured, Sasuke looks cool.
[Manda] Maybe Manda was one of a kind and din't have little snake babies for Sasuke to use. Or it might take too long to hatch another basilisk under a frog.
[The bad guys] I wonder how the akatsuki learned to halogram themselves to comunicate. That's better than star wars.
What's with Pein's crazy eyes? There like Kurenai's. Kinda.
Next chapter, Shadow king revealed!