Naruto Chapter 426: Naruto and Konoha
Summary: Naruto is determined to find a way to use Sage mode without needing to be still. Ebisu and Konohamaru confront Pain. (Read 426 here)
Serenphoria Says:
I hope Naruto figures out his work-around soon, otherwise Konohaians will keep stalling the Pains by dying and being loyal yet ineffectual.
Oh! Or allies from other countries will show up and save the day! Tsunade couldn't have possibly only called on Naruto for help. Could she? Darn, she was a bit distracted...
I will say, I found the presentation of the progression of Naruto's acceptance to be a nice treat - finally we get to see the baby steps it took and the village's sacrific now doesn't seem so unbelievable.
Not surprised AT ALL that Konohamaru didn't run. Nibbles got to it first (see comments) but I also thought about the Sexy no Jutsu! I don't expect Konohamaru to actually face Pain, but I do think he'll do something to distract him long enough for someone else to step in and give everyone a chance to escape.